Survivalists Herbal Formulas

Survivalists Herbal Formulas, Zachomikowane, Survival i zdrowie

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NOTE TO USERS: This manual is best viewed by using a uniform-spaced font(such as Courier or Monaco) and setting a width of 80 characters.>>>>>>>>>>>>>HERBAL FORMULAS FOR CLINIC AND HOME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>by Michael Moore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Copyright 1995 by Michael Moore. Use it, share it, just don't sell itor change it in any way (unless you get my permission)CONTENTS:INTRO:1.MOUTH/NOSE/EYES/EARS1.1 LIP and SKIN BUTTER1.2 TOOTH POWDER (Michael's)1.3 TOOTH POWDER (Jared's)2.GASTRO-INTESTINAL2.1 STOMACH TEA2.2 LAXATIVE TEA2.3 COMFREY-MINT-LEMON TEA2.4 PAPAYA-MINT-LEMON TEA2.4 COLON TONIC (Modified Thomsonian)2.5 BITTER TONIC2.6 ILEO-CECAL TONIC2.7 CATNIP-FENNEL TINCTURE2.8 NEUTRALIZING CORDIAL (Modified)3.LIVER/BILIARY3.1 LIVER TONIC3.2 ROBERT'S BILIARY FORMULA3.3 ALTERATIVE TEA3.4 LIVER DEFICIENCY TINCTURE3.5 LIVER EXCESS TINCTURE4.RESPIRATORY4.1 DECONGESTANT TEA4.2 WHITE PINE COMPOUND COUGH SYRUP4.3 OSHA COUGH SYRUP4.4 COMPOUND SYRUP OF RED ROOT4.5 WINTER SOLSTICE COUGH/COLD SYRUP4.6 MONARDA HONEY4.7 TONSILLITIS FORMULA4.8 ALLERGY FORMULA5.REPRODUCTIVE5.1 CANDIDA FORMULA5.2 FEMALE BALANCER5.3 MENOPAUSE: EARLY FORMULA5.4 MENOPAUSE: LATER FORMULA5.5 PMS FORMULA, LONG CYCLE5.6 PMS FORMULA, SHORT CYCLE5.7 CERVICAL DYSPLASIA SUPPOSITORIES5.8 HPV (Venereal Wart) SUPPOSITORIES5.9 CANDIDA DOUCHE5.10 HAYDEN'S VIBURNUM COMPOUND(Modified)6.URINARY TRACT6.1 URINARY TINCTURE (all purpose)6.2 ALKALIZING TEA7.LYMPH/IMMUNE7.1 LYMPH TONIC7.2 IMMUNE STIMULANT #17.3 IMMUNE STIMULANT #27.4 LYMPH ANTI-EFFECT (for mumps, mono, etc.)7.5 TONSILITIS FORMULA7.6 IMMUNE TONIC8.CARDIO-VASCULAR8.1 GREASEBALL HYPERTENSION8.2 HYPOTENSION FORMULA (Kidney deficient)8.3 TACHYCARDIA FORMULA8.4 CIRCULATORY STIMULANT8.5 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS FORMULA (health alright, memory bad)9.TOPICAL9.1 PODOPHYLLIN OINTMENT9.2 CHAC SALVE (Calendula, Hypericum, Arnica,Cajeput)9.3 MUSCLE BALM9.4 "TRAUMA TINCTURE"9.5 ROTGUT LINIMENT9.6 ECHINACEA SALVE9.7 GOLDEN SEAL SALVE10. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM10.1 RELAXING TEA10.2 NERVE TONIC10.3 SPEED DETOX FORMULA10.4 V's NERVE TONIC10.5 B's ANTIDEPRESSANT10.6 K's SYRIAN RUE FORMULA (what an Ayurvedic Medicine friend uses)10.7 COMPOUND TINCTURE OF CANNABIS (1910)10.8 POST-TREATMENT RELAXER10.9 POST-TREATMENT STRENGTHENER11.ACUTE DISEASE11.1 EGO CAPSULES12.CHRONIC/METABOLIC12.1 ALTERATIVE SYRUP12.2 DETOX FORMULA13. FOR PLEASURE OR FUN13.1 FIVE MINT TEA13.2 ROOT TEA13.3 FLOWER TEA13.4 MESOMARBLES13.5 GUARANA FUDGE (AKA Speed Fudge)SIMPLE SYRUPMATERIA MEDICAINTRO: These are a variety of formulas I have used in my business and practiceover the years. Some are elegant, some are silly and trivial, some are veryuseful therapeutic formulas. I have mixed them all together with little by wayof editorializing. Some of the herbs are readily available in commerce, someare obscure, since I have been gathering, selling, using, teaching and writingabout herbs in the Western United States for 25 years and have come to know alot of useful plants not often encountered in commerce. Many former studentsmarket them commercially, but since I try to teach bioregional herbalism, theyTOO are mostly in business in the west. Herbs Etcetera of Santa Fe, DragonRiver Herbals, Wyoming Wildcrafters, Bisbee Botanicals, The Herbalist (Seattle)and The Herb Store are some of the more visibly marketed of these lines (thereare many more with a more local focus) and some of these obscure herbs are nowto be found in the catalogues of Eclectic Institute, The Herb Pharm, Herbalistand Alchemist and Blessed Herbs. Anyway, scrambling around to try and locatesome weird exotic 'cause Moore says so isn't the point. I have offered somesubstitutes, if you know YOUR herbs real well make your own substitutes andotherwise just try the stuff that you can get the herbs for. I have alwaysmaintained that formulas are the LEAST important part of herbalism anyway.You can get the same effects from 100 different variations of various herbs.You need to know the craft well in order to get the same end result using otherpaths, but the actual formula isn't all that important...knowing the paletteis. Anytime I see references to some "secret formula" I walk away. The VASTmajority of physiologic reactions produced by herbs are repeated OVER and OVERendlessly in different plants, the physiologic effects that are beneficial inplants that are ingested are really only a few. Although a specific herb mayoffer a subtle range of physiologic colors that warrant a homeopathic profileor a classic Eclectic Specific Indication separating its energy completely fromother herbs, mixing stuff together reduces the subtleties to a gentle grey noiseand you are left with the predominate effects. The Eclectics often raged againstpolypharmacy for the simple reason that botanical subtleties are lost. At thevery same time most of them grimaced and ended up using formulas most of the time.They are simpler, effective, and, since most disease is self-limiting and notalways so subtle, often all that's needed. Besides, having a bunch ofuseful formulas around the house (or, if you are a practitioner or physician,around the clinic) covers most bases and allows YOU to control the resources.You don't need to go trundling about seeing an Eclectic M.D. (100 years ago) ortrying to figure out where to find a professional herbalist in the yellow pages(there aren't many of us).Most formulas I use these days are made for a specific person, and are the endproduct of constitutional evaluations and counseling. For the 20 years I SOLDherbs, I put together a number of these formulas to wholesale, knowing that,without a Professional Herbalist (giggle) around, the formulas needed to beshotguns, covering the common problems that herbs are most appropriate for, andwhere subtleties are unnecessary (or could not be defined legally on the labeland therefore could not be communicated to the innocent user). Besides, if youcan't make it simple, you don't know what you're doing. When we pack for ourendless numbers of field trips we pile boxes with enough tinctures, salves,fluidextracts, patches and herbal junk to outfit a dispensatory for a practicingPhysiomedicalist in 1885 (another one of those schools of Medical Practice longextinct, may Flexner be cursed!). What we ACTUALLY end up using, however, if weget sick, are those same old formulas I used to wholesale. We always run outof Neutralizing Cordial, Hayden's Viburnum Compound, the latest version of someanalgesic balm I put together in pharmacy lab and Mouth Tincture. We dutifullydrag back all the subtle stuff until the next field trip. I figure it's ourversion of the gallon jars of organic soybeans and mung beans (for sprouting)that were bought in the holy flush of some dietary asceticism in 1987 and, inover 470,000 households across this land, get dragged sheepishly from house tohouse with NOBODY willing to either use them or risk Bad Karma Points by tossingthem...an alternative lifestyle equivalent of the Christmas Fruitcake from Hell,and related to the Ma Rollers, Pyramid Hats, New Zealand Green Lipped MusselExtract bottles, Willard Water and the half-finished Orgon Box that clutter thesymbolic attics of those of us that have resided in North American AlternativeVillage.1.MOUTH/NOSE/EYES/EARS1.1 LIP and SKIN BUTTER20 ounces Almond Oil1/2 pound Anhydrose Lanolin8 ounces Glycerin3 3/4 ounces Beeswax5-10 drops of Essential OilOver low heat, dissolve the lanolin in the almond oil, add the glycerin and stiruntil all three are dispersed. Add the finely-chopped beeswax, stirring untiljust melted, add the essential oil, and pour the salve into containers. Stir thepot frequently and pour as quickly as reasonable. If you take too long thelanolin and glycerin may begin to separate.1.2 TOOTH POWDER (Michael's)Arrowroot Powder 12 ounces.Orris Root Powder 4 ouncesBaking Powder 1 ounceLicorice Root Powder 1 ounceMyrrh Gum Powder 1 ounceCloves, fresh pwd. 1 ounceCinnamon, fresh pwd. 1 ounceYerba Mansa Powder 1 ouncePeppermint Oil 20 dropsWintergreen Oil 10 drops.Thoroughly mix all constituents, blend briefly in 1/2 cup batches and remix.1.3 TOOTH POWDER (Jared's)Orris Root Powder 4 ouncesArrowroot 4 ouncesMyrrh Gum 2 ouncesLicorice Root 1.5 ouncesWhite Oak Bark 1.5 ouncesGolden Seal Root 1 ounceBistort Root 1 ouncePeppermint Oil 1/2 teaspoonMix powdered herbs thoroughly with the Peppermint Oil.2.GASTRO-INTESTINAL2.1 STOMACH TEAStar Anise 3 partsGinger Root 2 partsPapaya Leaf 2 partsFennel Seed 2 partsCamomile 2 partsComfrey Leaf 2 partsPeppermint (or Poleo) 2 partsAngelica or Calamus 1 partDrink as a simple infusion as needed for dyspepsia or mild gastritis.2.2 LAXATIVE TEAPsyllium Seed 3 partsLicorice Root 3 partsRhubarb Root 2 partsSenna Pods (crushed)... 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