Sakata Eio - Killer of Go, igo go baduk weiqi
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Killer of Go
Technique and Preven-
tative Measures
By Sakata Eio, Honorary Honinbo
Published by
Yutopian Enterprises
2255 29th street, Suite # 3
Santa Monica, CA 90405
© Copyright 1994 in the U.S.A. by Yutopian Entetprises
All rights reserved according to international law. This book or
any parts thereof may not be reproduced in any printed form,
nor stored in any electronic retrieval system, nor recorded in
any other medium without the written permission from the pub-
lishers, except for short excerpts as a part of a written review.
Originally published in Japanese by Ikeda Shoten under the ti-
tle of Go no Koroshi-ya
Photo on cover courtesy of Harry Fleener
I will teach you the way you should go;
I will instruct you and advise you.
Ps. 32:8 GNB
First printing May 1994
To Begin With...
Throughout the thirty-odd years of my career as a profession-
al go player I have unwaveringly harbored one ambition con-
cerning the publication of work concerning go.
Specifically, material on the opening, the middlegame, inva-
sions, or else, life and death problems, tesuji, or, then again, a
game collection, is not the framework that I have had in mind;
instead, a completely new type of format. A work that can be
read enjoyably, yet the reader would thereby, in the process of
reading, assimilate at a single bound, a tremendous increase in
aesthetic sense and power at the game. Only thus could a book
satisfy my long-cherished desire.
The game of go offers boundless fascination.
If some of that limitless fascination could be communicated
to the reader in an interesting way and from the standpoint of
practical measures applied in real game situations... that has been
my intention.
At this time, the publisher Ikeda Toshiko has responded to
my wishes and after all these years I am at last able to freely ful-
fill my desire to my heart's content.
It is my fervent hope that the reader of "Killer of Go" will
pause thoughtfully and reflect upon the idea that, well, this way
of thinking, this way of playing, is a viable option, and approach
his or her own game with freshly opened eyes.
Nuthing equals the thrill of killing a large group of one's op-
ponent's stones, but there are ten steps that one must master in
order to understand the techniques involved, and, conversely,
there is an art to knowing how it your own, using the knowledge
to beat the living daylights out of your favorite go rival! I am
confident that this book will open vist1as in the game of go that
you perhaps have never, before now, been able to contemplate
and savor.
The material offered here has been assembled and edited by
Messrs. Okame Sanjin and Mihori Masa. They are the ones de-
serving of all acclaim and gratitude.
December 1967
Sakata Eio
Table of Contents
To Begin With.......................................................................... 3
I — Two Paths to a Winning Game.......................................... 11
1- Sakata v. Shinohara game................................................. 19
(June 1955; Sakata plays black)........................................ 19
2- Dosaku v. Doteki game......................................................25
(1682; Doteki takes two stones)..................................... 25
3- Dosaku v. Dosa game........................................................ 31
(1683; Dosa plays black/fixed color)................................ 31
4- Jowa v. Genan game.......................................................... 36
(May 1816; Inseki plays black)......................................... 36
5- Shusaku v. Matsujiro game................................................45
(October 1845; Shusaku plays black/fixed color)............. 45
6- Shusaku v. Yuzo game.......................................................51
(March 1853; Shusaku plays black).................................. 51
7- Kitani v. Go game.............................................................. 57
(October 1940; Go plays black)........................................ 57
8- Sakata v. Kitani game........................................................ 62
(March 1957; Sakata plays black)..................................... 62
9- Kitani v. Karigane game.................................................... 68
(1928; Kitani takes two stones)......................................... 68
10- Ohira v. X game............................................................... 74
(June 1967; X plays black)................................................74
II — "Killing Stones": Pluses and Minuses................................ 79
(1) Do Not Try to Swipe the Honey.................................. 80
(2) Do not Celebrate too Early............................................... 91
(3) Beware of "Muscle-bound" Shape................................... 93
11- Sakata v. Miyashita game................................................ 95
(June 1955; Miyashita plays black)...................................95
12- Go v. Hashimoto (Utaro) game......................................102
(September 1946; Hashimoto plays black)..................... 102
13- Sakata v. Fujisawa (Hosai) game...................................108
(July 1961; Sakata plays black).......................................108
III — Immortal Games Fully Annotated...................................113
14- Go v. Sakata game......................................................... 115
(April 1939; Sakata plays black/ fixed color)................ 115
15- Shusai v. Karigane game............................................... 151
IV — Killing Techniques..........................................................169
Section 1 Train Your Eye!................................................... 170
Section 2 Develop Your Reading Strength!......................... 171
16- Retsugen v. Senchi game............................................... 173
(May 1788; Senchi plays black/fixed color ).................. 173
17- Shuho v. Tetsujiro game................................................ 176
18- Go v. Fujisawa (Hosai) game.........................................179
(October 1951; Fujisawa plays black).............................179
19- Sakata v. Rin Kaiho game..............................................183
(May 1967; Rin plays black)........................................... 183
Section 3 Do Not Worry About Outward Appearances....... 186
Section 4 Destroy the Opponent's Shape..............................189
Section 5 Fatten the Calf...................................................... 190
Section 6 Chop Apart the Opponent Happily.......................192
Section 7 Use Thickness to Win.......................................... 194
Section 8 Fight from a Position of Strength......................... 197
Section 9 Effective Use of Leaning Attacks and Two-pronged
Attacks................................................................................. 199
Section 10 An Ideal Model of Ambushing...........................205
(Special Section) Mind Reading.......................................... 206
V — Killer of Go:
Preventative Measures.............................................................. 209
(1) Do Not Approach Strong Positions................................ 213
(2) Effectively Sacrificing Positions.................................... 215
(3) Welcome! The Killer of Go!.......................................... 217
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