SAP R3 Guide to EDI ALE and ...

SAP R3 Guide to EDI ALE and Interfaces, Informatyka, SAP

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Axel Angeli
Robi Gonfalonieri, Ulrich Streit
About The Authors
Axel Angeli,
is born in 1961. He is a
Top Level SAP R/3 consultant
R/3 cross-application
development coach
. He specializes in coaching of large multi-national, multi-
language development teams and troubleshooting development projects.
His job description is also known as computer logistics, a delicate discipline that
methodically wakes the synergetic effects in team to accelerate and mediate IT
He is a learned Cybernetics scientist (also known as Artificial Intelligence) in the
tradition of the Marvin Minsky [
The society of mind
] and Synergetics group of
Herman Haken and Maria Krell. His competence in computer science is based on
the works of Donald Knuth [
The Art of Computer Programming
], Niklas Wirth (the
creator of the PASCAL language), the object oriented approach as described
and developed during the XEROX PARC project (where the mouse and windows
style GUIs have been invented in the early 1970ies) and Borland languages.
Before his life as SAP consultant, he made a living as a computer scientist for
medical biometry and specialist for high precision industry robots. He concentrates
now on big international projects. He speaks fluently several popular languages
including German, English, French and Slavic.
SAP R/3 Guide to
EDI, IDocs and Interfaces
Robi Gonfalonieri,
born in 1964 is a senior ABAP IV developer and R/3 consultant for SD and MM. He
is a learned economist turned ABAP IV developer. He specializes in international,
multi-language projects both as developer and SD consultant. He speaks fluently
several languages including German, French, English and Italian.
Ulrich Streit,
born in 1974 is ABAP IV developer and interface specialist. He developed a
serious of legacy system interfaces and interface monitors for several clients of the
process industry.
is a group of loosely related freelance R/3 consultants and consulting companies.
Current members of the bond are the following fine companies:

Logos! Informatik GmbH, Brühl, Germany: R/3 technical troubleshooting
OSCo GmbH, Mannheim, Germany: SAP R/3 implementation partner
UNILAN Corp., Texas: ORACLE implementation competence
For true international R/3 competence and
enthusiastic consultants,
email us
or visit
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
For Doris, Paul, Mini
Danke, Thank You, Graçias,
Tack så mycket, Merci, Bedankt,
Grazie, Danjawad, Nandri, Se-Se
I due special thanks to a variety of people, clients, partners and friends. Their
insistence in finding a solution and their way to ask the right questions made this
book only possible.
I want especially honour
Francis Bettendorf
, who has been exactly that genre of
knowledgeable and experienced IT professionals I had in mind, when writing this
book. A man who understands an algorithm when he sees it and without being
too proud to ask precise and well-prepared questions. He used to see me every
day with the same phrase on the lips: "Every day one question." He heavily
influenced my writing style, when I tried to write down the answers to his questions.
He also often gave the pulse to write down the answers at all. At the age of 52, he
joyfully left work the evening of Tuesday the 23rd March 1999 after I had another
fruitful discussion with him. He entered immortality the following Wednesday
morning. We will all keep his memory in our heart.
Thanks to
Ingmar Streit
for doing the great cartoons.
Thanks also to Pete Kellogg of UNILAN Corp., Texas, Juergen Olbricht, Wolfgang
Seehaus and his team of OSCo, Mannheim for continuously forming such perfect
project teams. It is joy working with them.
Plans are fundamentally ineffective because the "
circumstances of our actions are
never fully anticipated and are continuously changing around us
". Suchman does not
deny the existence or use of plans but implies that deciding what to do next in the
pursuit of some goal is a far more dynamic and context-dependent activity than
the traditional notion of planning might suggest.
Wendy Suchman, Xerox PARC
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
Who Would Read This Book?
This book was written for the experienced R/3 consultants, who wants to know
more about interface programming and data migration. It is mainly a compilation
of scripts and answers who arose during my daily work as an R/3 coach.
Quid – What is that
book about?
The R/3 Guide
is a
Frequently Given Answers
book. It is a
collection of answers, I have given to questions regarding EDI
over and over again, both from developers, consultants and
client’s technical staff. It is focussed on the technical aspect of
SAP R/3 IDoc technology. It is not a tutorial, but a supplement
to the R/3 documentation and training courses.
Quis – Who should
read the book?
The R/3 Guide
has been written with the experienced
consultant or ABAP developer in mind. It does not expect any
special knowledge about EDI, however, you should be familiar
with ABAP IV and the R/3 repository.
Quo modo – how
do you benefit from
the book?
Well, this book is a “How to” book, or a “Know-how”-book.
R/3 Guide
has its value as a compendium. It is not a novel to
read at a stretch but a book, where you search the answer
when you have a question.
Quo (Ubi) – Where
would you use the
You would most likely use the book when being in a project
involved in data interfaces, not necessarily a clean EDI project.
IDocs are also helpful in data migration.
Quando – when
should you read the
The R/3 Guide
is not a tutorial. You should be familiar with the
general concept of IDocs and it is meant to be used after you
have attended an R/3 course on IDocs, ALE or similar. Instead
of attending the course you may alternatively read one of the
R/3 IDoc tutorial on the market.
Cur – Why should
you read the book
Because you always wanted to know the technical aspects of
IDoc development, which you cannot find in any of the
publicly accessible R/3 documentation.
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
Table Of Contents
Where Has the Money Gone? 1
1.1 Communication ...............................................................................................2
More than 80% of the time of an EDI project is lost in waiting for answers,
trying to understand proposals and retrieving data nobody actually needs. 2
1.2 Psychology of Communication ......................................................................3
Bringing developers together accelerates every project. Especially when
both parties are so much dependent on each other as in an EDI project, the
partners need to communicate without pause. 3
1.3 Phantom SAP Standards and a Calculation ..................................................4
It is reported that SAP R/3 delivers standard EDI programs and that they
should not be manipulated under no circumstances. Because this is not true,
much project is lost in chasing the phantom. 4
1.4 Strategy.............................................................................................................5
Do not loose your time in plans. Have prototypes developed and take them
as a basis. 5
1.5 Who Is on Duty?................................................................................................5
Writing interface programs is much like translating languages. The same rule
apply. 5
1.6 Marcus T. Cicero ..............................................................................................6
Some may have learned it in school: the basic rules of rhetoric according to
Cicero. You will know the answers, when your program is at its end. Why
don’t you ask the questions in the beginning? Ask the right question, then
you will know. 6
What Are SAP R/3 IDocs? 7
2.1 What are IDocs?...............................................................................................8
IDocs are structured ASCII files (or a virtual equivalent). They are the file
format used by SAP R/3 to exchange data with foreign systems. 8
2.2 Exploring a Typical Scenario...........................................................................9
The IDoc process is a straight forward communication scenario. A
communication is requested, then data is retrieved, wrapped and sent to
the destination in a predefined format and envelope.
Get a Feeling for IDocs 11
3.1 Get A Feeling For IDocs .................................................................................12
For the beginning we want to give you a feeling of what IDocs are and how
they may look like, when you receive it as a plain text file. 12
3.2 The IDoc Control Record ...............................................................................14
The very first record of an IDoc package is always a
ol record. The
structure of this control record is the DDic structure
and describes the
contents of the data contained in the package. 14
3.3 The IDoc Data.................................................................................................15
All records in the IDoc, which come after the control record are the IDoc
data. They are all structured alike, with a segment information part and a
data part which is 1000 characters in length, filling the rest of the line.
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
The IDoc type is the name of the data structure used to describe the file
format of a specific IDoc.
3.4 Interpreting An IDoc Segment Info............................................................... 16
All IDoc data records are exchanged in a fixed format, regardless of the
segment type. The segment’s true structure is stored in R/3’s repository as a
DDic structure of the same name. 16
3.5 IDoc Base - Database Tables Used to Store IDocs...................................... 17
When R/3 processes an IDoc via the standard inbound or outbound
nism, the IDoc is stored in th
e tabl
es. The control record goes to table
and the data goes to table
7.2.4 Processing Codes
The processing code is a pointer to an algorithm to process an IDoc. It is
used to allow more flexibility in assigning the processing function to an IDoc
message. 34
IDocs Customizing 37
8.1 Basic Customizing Settings............................................................................38
Segments define the structure of the records in an IDoc. They are defined
with transaction WE31. 38
8.2 Creating An IDoc Segment
The segment defines the
e of the records in an IDoc. They are
defined with transaction
We will define a structure to send a text
from the text database. 40
8.3 Defining The Message Type (
) ............................................................43
The message type defines the context under which an IDoc is transferred to
its destination. It allows to use the same IDoc file format to use for several
different applications. 43
8.4 Define Valid Combination Of Message and IDoc Types ............................44
The valid combinations of message type and IDoc type are stored in table
8.5 Assigning a processing function (Table
The combination of message type and IDoc type determine the processing
algorithm. This is usually a function module with a well defined interface or a
SAP business object and is set up in table EDIFCT. 45
8.6 Processing Codes ..........................................................................................46
R/3 uses the method of logical process codes to detach the IDoc processing
and the processing function module. They assign a logical name to function
instead of specifying the physical function name. 46
8.7 Inbound Processing Code.............................................................................48
The inbound processing code is assigned analogously. The processing code
is a pointer to a function module which can handle the inbound request for
the specified IDoc and message type.
Exercise: Setting Up IDocs 18
4.1 Quickly Setting up an Example .................................................................... 19
If you have a naked system, you cannot send IDocs immediately. This
chapter will guide you through the minimum steps to see how the IDoc
engine works. 19
4.2 Example: The IDoc Type
............................................................. 20
To sh
arpen you
r understanding, we will show you an example of an IDoc of
, which contains material master data. 20
4.3 Example: The IDoc Type
.......................... 21
To allow an interference, here is a sample of IDoc type
which is
used for purchase orders and sales orders. 21
Monitoring IDocs 23
Sample Processing Routines 25
6.1 Sample Processing Routines ......................................................................... 26
Creating and processing IDocs are a widely mechanical task, as it is true for
all interface programming. We will show a short example that packs SAP R/3
SAPscript standard text elements into IDocs and stores them back. 26
6.2 Sample Outbound Routines ......................................................................... 27
The most difficult work when creating outbound IDocs is the retrieval of the
application data which needs sending. Once the data is well retrieved, the
data needs to be converted to IDoc format, only. 27
6.3 Sample Inbound Routines ............................................................................. 29
Inbound processing is widely the reverse process of an outbound.. The
received IDoc has to be unpacked, interpreted and transferred to an
application for further processing.
IDoc Outbound Triggers 51
9.1 Individual ABAP..............................................................................................52
The simplest way to create IDocs, is to write an ABAP which simply does it. 52
9.2 NAST Messages Based Outbound IDocs ......................................................54
You can use the R/3 message concept to trigger IDocs the same way as you
trigger SapScript printing. 54
9.3 The RSNAST00 ABAP .......................................................................................56
The ABAP RSNAST00 is the standard ABAP, which is used to collect
unprocessed NAST message and to execute the assigned action. 56
9.4 Sending IDocs Via RSNASTED ........................................................................57
Standard R/3 provides you with powerful routines, to trigger, prepare and
send out IDocs in a controlled way. There are only a few rare cases, where
you do not want to send IDocs the standard way. 57
9.5 Sending IDocs Via RSNAST00 ........................................................................58
Here is the principle flow how RSNAST00 processes messages for IDocs.
IDocs Terminology 31
7.1 Basic Terms..................................................................................................... 32
There are a couple of expressions and methods that you need to know,
when dealing with IDoc. 32
7.2 Terminology ................................................................................................... 33
7.2.1 Message Type – How to Know What the Data Means
Data exchanged by an IDoc via EDI is known as message. Messages of the
same kind belong to the same message type.
7.2.2 Partner Profiles – How to Know the Format of the Partner
Different partners may speak different languages. While the information
remains the same, different receivers may require completely different file
formats and communication protocols. This information is stored in a partner
7.2.3 IDoc Type – The Structure of The IDoc File
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
11.2 Partner Profiles................................................................................................75
Partner profiles play an important role in EDI communications. They are
parameter files which store the EDI partner dependent information. 75
11.3 Defining the partner profile (
) .........................................................76
The transaction WE20 is used to set up the partner profile. 76
11.4 Data Ports (
IDoc data can be sent and received through a multitude of different media.
In order to decouple the definition of the media characteristics from the
application using it, the media is accessed via ports.
9.6 Workflow Based Outbound IDocs................................................................. 59
Unfortunately, there are application that do not create messages. This is
especially true for master data applications. However, most applications fire
a workflow event during update, which can easily be used to trigger the
IDoc distribution. 59
9.7 Workflow Event From Change Document ................................................... 60
Instead of waiting for a polling job to create IDocs, they can also be created
immediately after a transaction finishes. This can be done by assigning an
action to an workflow event. 60
9.8 ALE Change Pointers ..................................................................................... 61
Applications which write change documents will also try to write change
pointers for ALE operations. These are log entries to remember all modified
data records relevant for ALE. 61
9.9 Activation of change pointer update .......................................................... 62
Change pointers are log entries to table BDCP which are written every time
a transaction modifies certain fields. The change pointers are designed for
ALE distribution and written by the function CHANGE_DOCUMENT_CLOSE. 62
9.10 Dispatching ALE IDocs for Change Pointers ................................................ 63
Change pointers must be processed by an ABAP, e.g. RBDMIDOC.
RFC Remote Function Call 79
12.1 What Is Remote Function Call RFC?..............................................................80
A Remote Function Call enables a computer to execute a program an
another computer. The called program is executed locally on the remote
computer using the remote computer’s environment, CPU and data storage. 80
12.2 RFC in R/3........................................................................................................81
RFC provides interface shims for different operating systems and platforms,
which provide the communication APIs for doing RFC from and to R/3. 81
12.3 Teleport Text Documents With RFC ...............................................................82
This example demonstrates the use of RFC functions to send data from one
SAP system to a remote destination. The example is a simple demonstration,
how to efficiently and quickly use RFC in your installation. 82
12.4 Calling A Command Line Via RFC ?.............................................................84
R/3 RFC is not limited to communication between R/3 systems. Every
computer providing supporting the RFC protocol can be called from R/3 via
RFC. SAP provides necessary API libraries for all operating systems which
support R/3 and many major programming languages e.g. C++, Visual Basic
or Delphi.
IDoc Recipes 65
10.1 How the IDoc Engine Works.......................................................................... 66
IDocs are usually created in a four step process. These steps are: retrieving
the data, converting them to IDoc format, add a control record and
delivering the IDoc to a port. 66
10.2 How SAP Standard Processes Inbound IDocs.............................................. 67
When you receive an IDoc the standard way, the data is stored in the IDoc
base and a function module is called, which decides how to process the
received information. 67
10.3 How To Create the IDoc Data....................................................................... 68
R/3 provides a sophisticated IDoc processing framework. This framework
determines a function module, which is responsible for creating or
processing the IDoc. 68
10.4 Interface Structure of IDoc Processing Functions........................................ 70
To use the standard IDoc processing mechanism the processing function
module must have certain interface parameters, because the function is
called dynamically from a standard routine. 70
10.5 Recipe To Develop An Outbound IDoc Function........................................ 71
This is an individual coding part where you need to retrieve the information
from the database and prepare it in the form the recipient of the IDoc will
expect the data 71
10.6 Converting Data Into IDoc Segment Format ............................................... 72
The physical format of the IDocs records is always the same. Therefore the
application data must be converted into a 1000 character string.
Calling R/3 Via OLE/JavaScript 87
13.1 R/3 RFC from MS Office Via Visual Basic......................................................88
The Microsoft Office suite incorporates with Visual Basic for Applications
(VBA) a fully object oriented language. JavaScript and JAVA are naturally
object oriented. Therefore you can easily connect from JavaScript, JAVA,
WORD, EXCEL and all the other VBA compliant software to R/3 via the
CORBA compatible object library (in WINDOWS known also DLLs or ACTIVE-X
(=OLE/2) components). 88
13.2 Call Transaction From Visual Basic for WORD 97 .........................................89
This is a little WORD 97 macro, that demonstrates how R/3 can be called with
a mouse click directly from within WORD 97. 89
13.3 R/3 RFC from JavaScript ................................................................................91
JavaScript is a fully object oriented language. Therefore you can easily
connect from JavaScript to R/3 via the CORBA compatible object library (in
WINDOWS known also DLLs or ACTIVE-X (=OLE/2) components). 91
13.4 R/3 RFC/OLE Troubleshooting........................................................................93
Problems connecting via RFC can usually be solved by reinstalling the full
SAPGUI and/or checking your network connection with R/3.
Partner Profiles and Ports 73
11.1 IDoc Type and Message Type ...................................................................... 74
An IDoc file requires a minimum of accompanying information to give sense
to it. These are the message type and the IDoc type. While the IDoc type
tells you about the fields and segments of the IDoc file, the message type
flags the context under which the IDoc was sent.
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
15.2 Event Coupling (Event Linkage)..................................................................117
Contrary to what you mostly hear about R/3 workflow, it is relatively easy and
mechanical to define a function module as a consecutive action after
another routine raised a workflow event. This can e.g. be used to call the
execution of a transaction after another one has finished. 117
15.3 Workflow from Change Documents ...........................................................118
Every time a change document is written a workflow event for the change
document object is triggered. This can be used to chain unconditionally an
action from a transaction. 118
15.4 Trigger a Workflow from Messaging ...........................................................119
The third common way to trigger a workflow is doing it from messaging. 119
15.5 Example, How To Create A Sample Workflow Handler.............................120
Let us show you a function module which is suitable to serve as a function
module and define the linkage.
ALE - Application Link Enabling 95
14.1 A Distribution Scenario Based On IDocs ...................................................... 96
ALE has become very famous in business circles. While it sounds mysterious
and like a genial solution, it is simply a mean to automate data exchange
between SAP systems. It is mainly meant to distribute data from one SAP
system to the next. ALE is a mere enhancement of SAP-EDI and SAP-RFC
technology. 96
14.2 Example ALE Distribution Scenario............................................................... 97
To better understand let us model a small example ALE scenario for
distribution of master data between several offices. 97
14.3 ALE Distribution Scenario............................................................................... 98
ALE is a simple add-on application propped upon the IDoc concept of SAP
R/3. It consists on a couple of predefined ABAPs which rely on the
customisable distribution scenario. These scenarios simple define the IDoc
types and the pairs of partners which exchange data. 98
14.4 Useful ALE Transaction Codes...............................
.................. 99
ALE is c
ustomized via three main transaction. These are
. 99
14.5 ALE Customizing
.............................................................................. 101
ALE customizing is relatively staright forward. The only mandatory task is the
definition of the ALE distribution scenario. The other elements did not prove
as being very helpful in practical applications. 101
14.6 Basic Settings
................................................................................... 102
Basic settings have do be adjusted before you can start working with ALE. 102
14.7 Define The Distribution Model (The "Scenario")
........................... 103
The distribution model (also referred to as ALE-Scenario) is a more or less
graphical approach to define the relationship between the participating
senders and receivers. 103
14.8 Generating Partner Profiles
........................................................... 105
A very useful utility is the automatic generation of partner profiles out of the
ALE scenario. Even if you do not use ALE in your installation, it could be only
helpful to define the EDI partners as ALE scenario partners and generate the
partner profiles. 105
14.9 Creating IDocs and ALE Interface From BAPI
............................... 109
There is a very powerful utility which allows to generate most IDoc and ALE
interface objects directly from a BAPI’s method interface. 109
14.10 Defining Filter Rules...................................................................................... 113
ALE allows to define simple filter and transformation rules. These are table
entries, which are processed every time the IDoc is handed over to the port.
Depending on the assigned path this happens either on inbound or
outbound. 113
Workflow Technology 115
15.1 Workflow in R/3 and Its Use For Development........................................... 116
SAP R/3 provides a mechanism, called Workflow, that allows conditional and
unconditional triggering of subsequent transactions from another
transaction. This allows to build up automatic processing sequences without
having the need to modify the SAP standard transactions.
Batch Input Recording 125
16.1 Recording a Transaction With
The BTCI recorder lets you record the screen sequences and values entered
during a transaction. It is one of the most precious tools in R/3 since release
3.1. It allows a fruitful cooperation between programmer and application
consultant. 126
16.2 How to Use the Recorder Efficiently............................................................129
This routine replaces BDCRECXX to allow executing the program generated
by SHDB via a call transaction instead of generating a BTCI file. 129
16.3 Include ZZBDCRECXX to Replace BDCRECXX ...........................................130
replaces BDCRECXX to allow executing the program generated
via a call transaction instead of generating a BTCI file. 130
16.4 ZZBRCRECXX_FB_GEN: Generate a Function from Recording ..................132
The shown routine ZZBDCRECXX_FB_GEN replaces BDCRECXX in a recorded
ABAP. Upon executing, it will generate a function module from the recording
with all variables as parameters. 132
EDI and International Standards 137
17.1 EDI and International Standards .................................................................138
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as a tool for paperless inter-company
communication and basic instrument for e-commerce is heavily regulated
by several international standards. 138
17.2 Characteristics of the Standards.................................................................139
The well-known standards EDIFACT, X.12 and XML have similar characteristics
and are designed like a document description language. Other standards
and R/3 IDocs are based on segmented files. 139
17.3 XML................................................................................................................140
This is an excerpt of an XML EDI message. The difference to all other EDI
standards is, that the message information is tagged in a way, that it can be
displayed in human readable form by a browser. 140
17.4 ANSI X.12 ......................................................................................................142
This is an example of how an ANSI X.12 EDI message for a sales order looks
like. The examples do not show the control record (the “envelope”). EDIFACT
looks very much the same.
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
EDI Converter 143
18.1 Converter ..................................................................................................... 144
SAP R/3 has foregone to implement routines to convert IDocs into
international EDI standard formats and forwards those requests to the
numerous third party companies who specialize in commercial EDI and e-
commerce solutions.. 144
18.2 A Converter from Germany ........................................................................ 145
In the forest of EDI converters there is only a very limited number of
companies who have actual experience with R/3. We have chosen one very
popular product for demonstration here. 145
Appendix 147
19.1 Overview of Relevant Transactions ............................................................ 147
There is a couple of transactions which you should know when working with
IDocs in any form. I suggest to call each transaction at least once to see,
what is really behind. 147
19.2 Useful Routines for IDoc Handling .............................................................. 148
These are some very useful routines, that can be used in IDoc processing. 148
19.3 ALE Master Data Distribution ....................................................................... 149
The ALE functionality comes with a set of transaction which allow the
distribution of important master data between systems. The busiest argument
for installing ALE might be the distribution of the classification from
development to production and back. 149
19.4 WWW Links.................................................................................................... 150
These is a random listing of interesting web sites dealing with the EDI topic.
They are accurate as of November 1999. 150
19.5 Questionnaire for Starting an IDoc Project ................................................ 151
This is a sample questionnaire with important questions that need to be
cleared before any development can be started.
Table of Illustrations
Illustration 1:
A typical EDI scenario from the viewpoint of R/3........................... 9
Illustration 2: Simplified Example of an IDoc control record for sales
orders ..................................................................................................... 12
Illustration 3: Simplified Example of an IDoc data record for sales orders ...... 12
Illustration 4: Schematic example of an IDoc control record............................ 14
Illustration 5: Example of an IDoc with one segment per line, an info tag
to the left of each segment and the IDoc data to the right ..... 15
Illustration 6: Tables used to store the IDoc within R/3......................................... 17
Illustration 7: Step to customize outbound IDoc processing .............................. 38
Illustration 8: Elements that influence IDoc processing ....................................... 39
Illustration 9: General Process logic of IDoc outbound....................................... 53
Illustration 10: Communicating with message via table NAST............................. 54
Illustration 11: Process logic of RSNAST00 ABAP ...................................................... 58
Illustration 12: Tables involved in change pointers processing ............................ 64
Illustration 13: Sample content of view V_TBD62 .................................................... 64
Illustration 14: Schematic of an IDoc Outbound Process ..................................... 69
Illustration 15: R/3 port types by release ................................................................... 77
Illustration 16: WORD 97 text with MACROBUTTON field inserted ........................ 89
Illustration 17: Visual Basic code with macros to call R/3 from WORD 97 ......... 90
Illustration 18: ALE distribution scenario..................................................................... 97
Illustration 19: Scenario in tabular form..................................................................... 97
Illustration 20: Seeburger™ graphical EDI converter editor with R/3
linkage ................................................................................................. 146
ISBN: 3528057297 – Angeli SAP R/3 Guide to IDocs, ALE and Interfaces
Directory of Programs
Program 1:
Sample IDoc outbound function module...................................... 27
Proper Know-How Saves Costs
We always believed, what has been confirmed over and over again in manifold
projects: The main source to cutting project costs, is a proper education of the
team. Giving the team members the same book to read homogenizes the
knowledge and sharpens a common sense within the group.
A Frequently Given Answers Book
This book is the result of thousands of hours of discussion and work with R/3
consultants, developer and clients about interface development from and to R/3.
When we started a new big project in autumn 1998 at the Polar Circle, which
involved a big number of interfaces, I observed curiously, that my developers
were ordering numerous books, all being related to EDI.
Well, those books did not say any word about R/3 and it was obvious that they
were not very helpful for our team. I consequently searched the directories for
books on R/3 IDocs, but there was nothing. So I started to compile my material on
IDocs and ALE with the intent to publish it in the WWW. Since I submit the site
to some search engines I got an astonishing amount of hits. Emails
asked for a written version of the stuff on the web. So – here it is.
Program 2:
Sample IDoc outbound function module...................................... 30
Program 3:
Interface structure of an NAST compatible function
module .................................................................................................. 70
Program 4:
Interface structure of an IDoc inbound function ......................... 70
Program 5:
Routine to move the translate to IDoc data ................................. 72
Program 6:
Fill the essential information of an IDoc control record............... 72
Program 7:
Z_READ_TEXT, a copy of function READ_TEXT with RFC
enabled................................................................................................. 82
Program 8:
Program to copy text modules into a remote system via
RFC ......................................................................................................... 83
Mystery EDI Unveiled
EDI and e-commerce are miracle words in today’s IT world. Like any other mystery
it draws its magic from the ignorance of the potential users. It is true that there are
many fortune making companies in the IT world who specialize on EDI. They sell
software and know-how for giant sums of money. Looking behind the scenes
reveals, that the whole EDI business can simply be reduced to writing some
conversion programs. This is not too easy, but the secret of EDI companies is, that
the so-called standards are sold for a lot of money. As soon as you get hold of the
documentation, things turn out to be easy.
Program 9:
JavaScript example to call an R/3 function module via
OLE/RFC................................................................................................. 92
Program 10:
This is the call of the type coupled event in release 40B........... 117
Program 11:
This is the call of the change doc event in release 40B ............ 118
Program 12:
This is the call of the type coupled event in release 40B........... 118
Program 13:
A workflow handler that sends an Sap Office mail .................... 120
IDocs, A Universal Tool for Interface Programming
Although R/3 IDocs had been introduced as a tool to implement EDI solution for
R/3, it is now accepted as a helpful tool for any kind of interface programming.
While this is not taught clearly in SAP’s learning courses, we put our focus on writing
an interface quickly and easily.
Program 14:
Send a SAPoffice mail triggered by a workflow event (full
example)............................................................................................. 123
Program 15:
Program 16:
Program ZZBDCRECXX_FBGEN found on
We praise cutting edge technology. So this book takes advantage of the modern
multimedia hype. Latest updates, corrections and more sophisticated and
detailed examples are found on our web site.
Program 17:
XML Sales Order data ....................................................................... 140
Axel Angeli in December 1999
Informatik GmbH
Where Has the Money Gone?
EDI projects can soon become very expensive. However,
when analysing the reasons for high costs, one finds
quickly that it is not the technical implementation of the EDI
project that lets explode the total costs.

Most of the implementation time and costs get lost in
agreeing common standards and establishing
formalism between the sender and the receiver
A successful EDI project requires the developers on
both ends sitting together face to face
Sticking to a phantom “S
AP st
andard” for IDocs, which
does not actually exist in
ts the costs of the
project soar
Just make a plan,
ach nur einen Plan,
And let your spirit h
Sei ein großes Licht,
Then you make a
Dann mach noch
einen zweiten Plan
And both will
ehen tun sie beide nicht.
Bertold Brec
ht a
nd Ku
l, Three Penny Opera
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