Sacred Places of Goddess - 108 ...

Sacred Places of Goddess - 108 Destinations written by Karen Tate (2006), Ebooki

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//-->Rave Reviews forSacred Places of Goddessby Reverend Karen Tate“Goddess veneration works to restore a balance that Tate writesexisted thousands of years ago. 'In the beginning, God was a woman, andfrom her womb she created all that is; thus she is all things and all thingsare her…. That was true 30,000 years ago, and for millions it is still truetoday,' she writes in her book.Sacred Places of Goddessstarts in Europe and Asia Minor andmoves through the world to the Americas. Tate chose sites based on theirhistorical, spiritual and cultural significance or for their physical richness.The book is a user-friendly guide that provides background informationon a site’s ancient or new importance. Some sections have warningsabout deterioration at some sites; these are called “Gaia alerts,” afterthe Greek goddess personifying Earth.Some associations are expected — Cyprus with Aphrodite, theParthenon with Athena and Egypt with Isis. Others are sites whereChristianity, Judaism or Islam has long overtaken pagan worship and thedivine feminine has been absorbed or supplanted by those traditions.”—Los Angeles Times“A small percentage ofDa Vinci Codetourists are proponents ofthe divine feminine beliefs at the core of the book. For them, visitingplaces connected to historical and mythological female figures whosestories have purportedly been suppressed in a matter of enlightenmentand healing, of spirituality and faith, said Karen Tate, author ofSacredPlaces of Goddess: 108 Destinations.”—ChicagoTribune“SacredPlaces of Goddessprovides both travelers and generalreaders with a vast array of information. Its richly composed pagesinclude many drawings, photographs and maps and this helps create theeffect of what is really a resource encyclopedia.”—BeltanePapers"We keep hearing that Paganism is going mainstream as regularpeople show increasing concern for Mother Nature.Sacred Places ofGoddessis an example of this mainstreaming; you won’t find this book onthe New Age or religion shelves of your local bookstore. It’s on the travelshelves, which means that ordinary travelers can pick it up and be in-spired to travel to sites that commemorate the Goddess."—PanGaia“It offers a look at Goddess Spirituality as it is unfolding in theworld today.Sacred Places of Goddessis a deep well of information thatwill require repeat visits.”—Lynnie Levy, Reformed Congregation of Goddess International“The book gives details and shows photos of shrines, springs,temples, yoni stones, archaeological sites, museums and labyrinths, andtalks of the history of goddess worship, which dates back at least 20,000years, according to Tate.‘The feminine divine is alive today in artifact and art, temple andmound, but just how diverse and widespread may be quite a surprise,’says Tate. ‘From the Shinto faith, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian, toNative Americans, Pagans, Hindus and Aboriginals to name a few, thethreads of travel, history and spirituality are a beautiful masterpiece thatis the tapestry of the divine.’The book is intended to be used as a feminine travel resource thatspans continents and centuries, and delves into sacred female art and history.”—TheArgonaut“A unique resource, not only for those who share her interest, butalso for anyone who loves visiting unusual places. ... It has a clear focus onfeminine interpretations of both natural phenomena and human creations– it is excellently and meticulously written. ... An indispensable resource.”—RoadTripAmerica“A wonderful spiritual travel guide ... The author shares bothinformation and perspectives, drawn from her many years studying theDivine Feminine and serving as a Goddess Spirituality priestess and tourguide. It is filled with interesting Goddess lore, stories and thought-provoking discussions of social and environmental issues. ... A visualdelight.An excellent resource for exploring the multicultural realm ofGoddess studies, including helpful reference materials, such as a GoddessGlossary, reading list, resource list, and etiquette for visiting sacredplaces.”—CircleNews"I am reading it in fascination before I give it to the Women’sSpirituality Library. An enlightening book that will help seekers find ourmothers. I consider it very helpful for my own research in Italy, France, andSpain, and I’ll put this book on my reading list for my Fall course at CIIS."—ProfessorLucia Chiavola Birnbaum, Professor of Philosophy and ReligionProgram in Women’s Spirituality, California Institute of Integral Studies, SanFranciscoSacred Placesof Goddess108 DESTINATIONSWritten byKAREN TATECONSORTIUM OF COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESSwww.cccpublishing.comwww.karentate.comSacred Places of Goddess:108 Destinationsfirst editionCopyright © 2006 by Karen TatePublished by the Consortium of Collective Consciousness ™All rights reserved.Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by section107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of thecopyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information shouldbe addressed to CCC Publishing, 530 8th Avenue #6, San Francisco, CA 94118 USA.FAX (415) 933-8132.As is common in a historic and reference book such as this, much of the informationincluded on these pages has been collected from diverse sources. When possible, theinformation has been checked and double-checked. Even with special effort to beaccurate and thorough, the author and publisher cannot vouch for each and everyreference. Because this is a book about traveling, many specifics can change overnightand without prior warning. The reader will find ample information collected fromexperienced adventurers, writers, academics, and travel industry experts. The authorand publisher assume no responsibility or liability for any outcome, loss, arrest, orinjury that occurs as a result of information or advice contained in this book. As withthe purchase of goods or services,caveat emptoris the prevailing responsibility of thepurchaser, and the same is true for the traveler.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Tate, KarenSacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations / Karen Tatep. cm.Includes index (ebk.)ISBN-13: 978-1-888729-17-7ISBN-10: 1-888729-17-11. Spirituality—Guidebooks. 2. Goddess Travel—Guidebooks. I. TitleLibrary of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2005927572Printed in the United States of America.10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1Front Cover Photos:© 2006 — Roy Tate (from top to bottom) 1. Paleolithic artifact:Brassampouy, France. 2. Ladies in Blue: Knossos, Greece. 3. Isis Temple: Philae,Egypt. 4. Mother and Child: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey.Back Cover:Fortuna:Louvre Museum, Paris, France.4 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
