Sang H Kim - Taekwondo step sparring

Sang H Kim - Taekwondo step sparring, Defence

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//-->Taekwondo Step SparringSang H. Kim, Ph.D.Taekwondo STEP SPARRINGA Turtle Press Book / 2010Copyright © 2010 Sang H. Kim. All Rights Reserved.Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced without writtenpermission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews.For information, address Turtle Press, PO Box 34010, Santa Fe, NM 87594-0410.www.turtlepress.comPhotographer: Marc Regis, Cynthia A. KimPhoto models: Sang H. Kim, Kyu-hyung Lee, Carlos Sanchez, Marco CorreaISBN 978-1-934903-52-0Table of Contents1Step Sparring Fundamentals2Skills Reference3Step Sparring for Beginners4Intermediate Step Sparring5Advanced Step SparringSTEP SPARRING FUNDAMENTALSWhat is Step Sparring?Step sparring is a form of drill training used by Taekwondo students to practice and perfect basicstances, blocks, strikes and kicks with a partner. It includes one-step, two-step and three-stepsparring, which are characterized by the number of steps forward that the attacker takes at thebeginning of the technique.Because step sparring is a series of arranged movements, it is a good way to perfect your technicalexecution of basic movements through repetitious practice with a partner. It helps you developdistance control, timing, accuracy, self-control, respect toward your partner and teamwork.At the advanced level, step sparring sets become longer and more complex, helping you developcoordination, speed and fluidity.You can use sparring or self-defense skills or a mix of both in step sparring. Depending on the type ofskills you are practicing, you may begin from ready stance or fighting stance. However, step sparringtechniques should not be confused with sparring or self-defense techniques.Begin from ready stance.Begin from fighting stance.Goals of Step Sparring1. Foundation skill development2. Offensive and defensive skill integration3. Technical perfection4. Distance control [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
