SW TALNAR, Star Wars Role-Playing Game

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Talnar’s Rescue
A Star WarsMiniadventure
By Sterling Hershey
In “Talnar’s Rescue,” the heroes are assigned to rescue
Talnar, a Rebel agent who crash-landed on Naalol, a
sparsely populated planet of the Mid Rim. Little is known
about the planet and less about Talnar’s current situation.
“Talnar’s Rescue” is a
Star Wars Roleplaying Game
adventure set during the Rebellion era and is designed for
six 3
-level or four 4
-level Rebel heroes. It can be used as
part of an existing Rebellion era campaign or adjusted for
campaigns in other eras. This scenario first appeared in
Wars Gamer
#5 but has been updated to reflect the revised
game rules.
If you plan to play a character in this adventure, don’t
read any further. The information below is meant for the
Gamemaster’s eyes only.
Getting Started
The heroes belong to an active Rebel cell or are agents
who have worked together before. Conversely, they might
be a team newly assembled for this mission. They should
be provided with transport if they do not have a ship of
their own.
Adventure Background
Talnar is an active Rebel procurement agent who was
returning to base with a shipment of droids. Over the planet
Naalol, an Imperial customs cruiser attacked his ship. The
ensuing battle left both ships critically damaged. Talnar
managed to crash-land on Naalol, leaving the Imperials
stranded in orbit, unable to land.
The Oquan, a group of local bounty hunters short on
cash but not initiative, observed the battle from the planet’s
surface. Recognizing an opportunity, they sent an airspeeder
to Talnar’s crash site, intent on capturing Talnar and selling
him to the Imperials for a few quick and easy credits.
The Oquan discovered Talnar alive and full of fight.
Another brief battle ensued. The Oquan managed to subdue
the agent, but not before he wrecked their speeder. Since
Talnar’s ship was a total loss, the opportunistic bounty
hunters were forced to call for a ride from their compan-
ions. A quick search of Talnar’s hold made them call for a
few extra cargo skiffs.
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This d20 System™ game utilizes mechanics developed for the new
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Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction.
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Customizing the Adventure
Here are some ideas for modifying the adventure for other
hero types or eras:

Instead of Rebels, the heroes might be a group of
bounty hunters hired to retrieve Talnar, a smuggler
who has run into bad luck with a customs agent. Their
employer wants Talnar and his cargo returned intact. In
this case, local customs agents replace the Imperials in
the adventure. This is suitable for any era.

The players take the Imperial side, competing against
the Rebels. To play this option, you will need to
convert some Imperial characters to Rebels, or you may
create new ones.
Scene 1: The Briefing
The heroes receive their briefing from Captain Res Nels, a
Human male. The briefing can take place at the heroes’
base, the local Rebel base, or any other private location you
deem appropriate.
them to leave as soon as possible. Nels can provide the
following additional information:
The planet is a sparsely inhabited terrestrial world
with few spaceports or major cities. There is a small Imperial
presence. The inhabitants do not interfere with the regional
government, keeping mostly to themselves. It’s a backwater
planet, but reasonably modern with little organized crime.
The Naalol system has two other uninhabited planets, both
in orbits extremely close to its star.
Captain Nels enters the room in a hurried manner. He
quickly takes a seat and pulls out a battered datapad.
He punches a few keys and says, “I have a mission for
you. We received this report from the Naalol System.”
He sets a holoprojector on the table and activates it.
An unfamiliar light freighter flashes by, pursued by a
-class Light Cruiser. A brief but spectacular
battle ensues. The freighter pilot’s skills are impressive,
and his ship’s armaments are clearly more than the
Imperials bargained for. They are evenly matched, as
shot after shot hits home. In one final volley, both
ships are critically damaged. The freighter descends to
the planet below. The Imperials are adrift, engines
disabled and hull heavily damaged.
“The freighter is one of ours, called the
. Its captain is Lieutenant Talnar, one of our
agents. We believe he dropped out of hyperspace to
transmit a message via our communications satellite in
the system. Either he had no chance to transmit or he
didn’t want to tip off the Imperials to our satellite’s
presence. If his mission was successful, he was return-
ing to base with a cargo of droids.”
Golden Jewel
crashed on Naalol. We have the
coordinates from the satellite. We want you to bring
Talnar and the droids back to us. He doesn’t have
much time. The Empire will send for reinforcements
soon. You must get to Talnar before they do.”
The Rebel agent is a procurement specialist. He is a
human male of about 45 years. He typically works alone. A
picture is provided.
The crash site:
The coordinates reveal Talnar went down
in a mountainous region. It is late winter, so conditions
could be difficult. The heroes are provided with system and
planetary maps.
The Empire:
There is a small garrison of about 30
Imperial personnel on Naalol, but reinforcements could
arrive at any time.
The droids:
Nothing more is known about them.
Nels can provide some basic equipment and
transport, if necessary. Anything overly expensive or rare is
left up to the heroes to acquire as best they can.
Nels provides a comlink through
which the Rebels may be contacted via the spy satellite.
However, he instructs the heroes to use it sparingly, as each
use might reveal the satellite’s presence to the Imperials.
Captain Nels entertains a few questions. Above all, he
stresses how little time the heroes have and encourages
 Scene 2: To the Rescue
When the heroes arrive in the system, their scans indicate
some light starship traffic in the area. There is no sign of
the damaged
-class Light Cruiser or any Imperial
As the heroes approach Naalol, Spaceport Control hails
them. The controller asks them if they need landing
coordinates, though in no way implies they are necessary.
A successful Knowledge (spacer lore) check (DC 15)
reveals that a landing permit is not necessary on Naalol.
If no hero has an appropriate Knowledge skill, a success-
ful Sense Motive check (DC 20) makes it clear that the
controller is merely offering them a service and not
giving them orders. Otherwise, let the players assume
what they will.
If the heroes say they are looking for the downed ship,
the controller takes a greater interest in them and immedi-
ately presses for more information. He requests that the
heroes land at the spaceport in Rigton. If the heroes ignore
this request, they have plenty of time to land elsewhere
before any patrol craft reach them.
If the heroes have alerted Spaceport Control that they
are looking for a downed starship and choose to land at
the spaceport, they are greeted by a squad of eight
stormtroopers (six are armed with blaster rifles, two with
light repeating blaster rifles). Unless the heroes attack
them, the squad leader asks them a few questions and lets
them go about their business. If the heroes choose to
attack the stormtroopers, they automatically gain a
surprise round, as the stormtroopers are not expecting
trouble. If the heroes defeat them, they can commandeer
a nearby transport.
If the heroes’ ship lands at the spaceport and hasn’t
drawn undue attention, the heroes can easily rent a land-
speeder (100 credits/day) and, using the information
provided by Captain Nels, reach the crash site in about two
hours. A hero with the Trailblazing ability can attempt to
shorten this time with a successful Survival skill check; the
information provided by Nels gives the hero a +2 circum-
stance bonus to this check.
Imperial Stormtroopers (8):
Male Human Thug 4;
Init +0; Defense 11 (+1 class), DR 5; Spd 8 m; VP/WP
0/12; Atk +5 melee (1d3+1, unarmed) or +4 ranged
(3d8/19–20, blaster rifle); SQ Immunities (see below); SV
Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; FP 0; DSP 1; Rep +1; Str 12,
Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10. Challenge Code B.
Stormtrooper armor, blaster rifle, frag
grenade, grappling hook, comlink, utility belt.
Climb –1, Intimidate +2, Jump –1, Knowledge
(politics) +2, Profession (stormtrooper) +2, Read/Write Basic,
Search +1, Speak Basic, Spot +1.
Armor Proficiency (light, medium, powered),
Weapon Group Proficiencies (blaster pistols, blaster rifles,
simple weapon).
Stormtroopers are immune to being bribed,
blackmailed, seduced, or routed. Any such attempt auto-
matically fails; no check or saving throw is necessary.
Imperial Nen-Carvon PX-7 Troop Transport
Ground (Tracked)
(Normal +2)
Gargantuan (13.25 m long)
(–4 size, +2 crew)
(–4 size, +2 crew)
Cargo Capacity:
100 metric tons
(–4 size, +6 armor)
60 m
Shield Points:
Maximum Velocity:
130 km/h
Hull Points:
(DR 10)
don’t show any signs of life. A few large clearings within 60
meters of the wrecks make suitable starship landing sites
(landing requires a Pilot check against DC 10). If the heroes
are using a surface transport, they can land within 20
meters of the crash site.
There is no one at the crash site. The Oquan have
removed Talnar and the droids. The heroes can make a
single Search check, with each member aiding the hero with
the highest Search bonus, or they can break off into groups
and make individual Search checks. It takes 30 minutes
(divided by the number of groups searching) to scour the
entire crash site. The level of success determines what they
find. Read all of the appropriate information below,
depending on the heroes’ degree of success.
To determine what the heroes find at the crash site,
compare their Search check result(s) to the following table:
Not available for sale
*Vehicle provides three-quarters cover to its crew and passengers.
Twin light blaster cannon (fire-linked);
Fire Arc:
Attack Bonus:
+0 (–4 size, +4 fire
Range Increment:
100 m.
The Crash Site
If the heroes decide to land near the crash site, they
discover the area is extremely rugged with high peaks and
winding ridges. A strong winter storm passing through the
area makes the approach even more hazardous. Fortunately,
the crash site appears to be on the trailing edge of the
front. The wind is very gusty, and it is snowing lightly.
The conditions complicate flying, confound sensors, and
hamper visibility.
Whether they use their ship or a hover transport, the
heroes can survey the area with a low pass, requiring a Pilot
check (DC 10) to avoid crashing. Sensors or a successful
Search skill check (DC 15) reveals that the
Golden Jewel
struck and skidded along a ridge, coming to rest in a fissure
halfway down a narrow valley. The wreckage of some kind
of speeder lies near the ship. No one can be seen. Sensors
Result Information
10–14 There was a battle at the site. Blaster and grenade
damage is apparent all around the speeder, plus
inside and outside the ship. Talnar most likely
survived, though he might be wounded. Talnar’s
cargo is gone, although the damaged hold had to
be cut open to remove it.
15–20 Many people have been in the area, leaving tracks
throughout the ship and on the ground, all lightly
covered by the recent snowfall. There are four
medpacs and some basic tools aboard, but nothing
of real value. There is little worth salvaging. The
airspeeder—a MandalMotors Shadow V Combat
Airspeeder—was destroyed by weapon fire; it shows
no sign of impact damage from a crash. It was a
modified civilian craft, not an Imperial transport.
Tracks lead to various points around the site, then
disappear completely, most likely onto waiting
speeders. Within the wreckage of the cockpit are two
portable control pads. Both are heavily damaged,
and neither seems to have anything to do with the
ship. A successful Repair check (DC 10) or other
appropriate skill check reveals they are droid control
pads, likely for Talnar’s cargo. Neither works, though
it might be possible to cannibalize parts from one to
make the other operational.
An hour of work and a successful Repair skill check (DC 15)
reveals that the droid control pad will not work without obtaining
several new parts (an encrypted multi-signal transmitter, mini-
viewscreen, keypad, and indicator lights). If the check result is 20
or more, the heroes also discover that the control panel contains a
voice recognition package used to give verbal commands.
Heroes searching for replacement parts for the droid control
pad can easily find shops selling all except the encrypted multi-
signal transmitter. The transmitter, though legally obtainable, is
uncommon. The heroes have a few options. They can try to find a
black market supplier (Gather Information check, DC 20), who
takes three hours to locate, and pay him 1,000 credits for the
device. Conversely, they can attempt to jury-rig a normal encryp-
tion transmitter (Repair check, DC 22). Though they don’t know it
at the time, this will only allow them to give identical orders to all
the droids via the control pad.
The heroes must enter the correct access code (Talnar knows it)
or succeed at a Computer Use check (DC 20) to activate the pad.
There is currently one voice pattern stored in the pad, but others
can be added in 10 minutes with a successful Computer Use check
(DC 15) once the pad has been activated. However, the droids can’t
be activated or controlled until part 2 of “Talnar’s Rescue.”
Imperial Patrol
If the heroes decide to take 20 on their Search checks or spend
more than 20 minutes at the crash site, they encounter an
Imperial patrol of four biker scouts. While on their way to
inspect the crash site, the patrol observed the heroes’ approach.
Choosing to abandon their speeder bikes at the bottom of the
valley, they’ve been making a slow ascent through the fissure
to sneak up on the heroes. One of the biker scouts will try to
gauge the group’s numbers and strength, using the Hide and
Move Silently skills as appropriate.
The patrol’s main weapons are stealth and surprise. Their
white armor also helps camouflage them in the blowing
snow (+2 circumstance bonus to Hide skill checks), the cold
weather muffles sounds (–4 penalty to Listen skill checks),
and the ground is difficult terrain (movement is halved). The
patrol has not reported in for fear of alerting the heroes
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