SURVIVAL GUNS, Good Resolution

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*Selecting a Survival Battery of Firearms*
By Sergeant
Raise your hand if you would try to adjust your carburetor with a crowbar. How many of you would
try to build a cabin with only a saw, or treat a broken arm with epinephrine? These are similar tasks to
trying to survive without a proper selection of firearms, and histrionics aside, are a proper analogy - for
a firearm is a tool.
Given the societal changes that have occurred in this century, especially since the end of WW2, it is
not especially surprising that a vast majority of folks are not well versed in firearms lore and the
selection and use of weaponry. Having grown up on a farm in very rural country, I am more the
exception than the rule, but a rural background by itself does not instill the knowledge to select a
proper variety of firearms any more than living in Detroit makes you a car manufacturer. You have to
apply yourself to the study of weapon usage and capability, and to their use in the field to gain insight
that keeps you from wasting your money on things that don't appreciably help your chances of
Before you can make an intelligent choice, it would help if you knew what was out there, don't you
think? While there are many hundreds of different firearms offered for sale today, and thousands of
variations of barrel length, caliber, finish, sights, and other options, hopefully I can condense that down
into a more digestible group that are most pertinent to survivalists today. The table below covers most
of the types available:
Rifles Shotguns Special Revolvers Pistols Special
Single-Shot S/A
S/A Derringers
Semi-Auto Semi-Auto Interchangeable
D/A Single-shot
Over/Under .50 Caliber DAO DAO Bolt-Action
Pump Side by Side Other
Other Other
S/A Single Action Hammer must be cocked for each shot
D/A Double Action Squeezing the trigger also cocks the hammer
DAO Double Action Only Trigger-cocking for every shot
While every person has to decide just what role firearms will play in their own plans, I feel that
automatically disqualifying any type from your battery for semantic reasons (i.e., "handguns are evil",
or "assault rifles kill babies" or some such drivel) is both silly and dangerous. Without going into
Second Amendment rights or discussion, I'd just like to say that if I need a pistol (for example), then I
need it badly, and probably right now. Not having one because someone arbitrarily said I couldn't is
just plain wrong.
I can hear you now - "Will you quit BS-ing and get on with it?" Okay, okay!
Here's my version of the nitty-gritty: I think every would-be survivalist should have the ability to
protect themselves in a variety of situations, and have the ability to hunt small game and whatever else
is in their area, or the area where they will be (expect to be) in case of emergency. Redundancy is
recommended, great variety is not, unless you can afford to do it right. My base line requirements are
Rifle for defense/offense
Rifle for hunting if fighting rifle is not suitable
Shotgun for defense/hunting
.22 Rifle for small game & plinking (informal target practice)
Handgun for defense
Handgun for field work
Handgun for concealment/defense
A couple of these, most notably the fieldwork handgun and the hunting rifle are of lower priority than
the others, and if pressed, I could work with less. Obviously you can't carry all of these at the same
time, so you may wonder why you need them. The answer is, you won't be fighting all the time, you
won't be hunting all the time, you won't be carrying a rifle all the time and you won't need to conceal a
handgun all the time. You get the picture. Also there are many other tasks that may need doing which
I'll touch on later, but they are more specialized and not, to my mind, as likely to be important.
When considering what type of weapons to purchase, you also have to think about how many to get.
While it seems prudent to get the defensive weapons first, at some point, if you accept the basic
premise, you'll end up with the entire spectrum. At that point you should probably plan your back-up
package. Consider the current Special Forces logistical doctrine, which holds with the PACE concept -
Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Extra. While we as individuals do not have the budget of the Federal
Government, we should keep this in mind as an excellent method of planning, and build redundancy
into our plans. If you've read the late Mel Tappan's definitive (though now somewhat dated) work
Survival Guns, you are familiar with several precepts that should be nearly gospel. Some of these being
have the right firearm (tool) for the job, have enough firearms, and have spare parts and plenty of
ammunition. It is not necessary to get carried away with any thoughts of romanticism about weaponry,
nor is it necessary to get one of everything, but do consider these thoughts from that signature volume:
For every adult, contributing member he recommends you have (as a minimum):
one fighting rifle, plus a spare for every two (people)
a shotgun for every two
a fighting handgun each, plus a spare for every two
everyone should have one .22 and a working handgun
a concealment handgun for every two
If you think this looks a lot like what I wrote above, you're right on the money. While a lot of new and
significantly improved firearms have been introduced since it was written, his words still carry a lot of
Personally, I don't think that's enough, at least from a long-term perspective and neither did he. His
"ideal" inventory of weapons for two people includes something on the order of 40 weapons, including
a deluxe over/under hunting shotgun, and more calibers to stockpile than you're likely to find in your
local gun shop!
I prefer a spare fighting rifle and handgun for each person and a shotgun and concealment handgun for
each, plus more working weapons - albeit in calibers that, for the most part, are already in your
inventory. I like the idea of having a complete battery both at home and at the retreat, and having at
least one weapon available in many of the different locations that I may find myself temporarily
stranded. If this sounds rather dramatic I apologize, but if I had the bucks, I could plan a pretty
intensive war room! (Hello, Walter Mitty)
Enough fluff, let's get on to the subject at hand.
The fighting rifle is where most controversy comes in. The entire family of semi-automatic, magazine
fed rifles of suitable caliber (meaning 7.62 NATO, 7.62 x 39, or 5.56 NATO) is overpriced and over-
restricted. In truth, however, pretty much all of the available choices are well constructed and
serviceable, which makes selection mostly a matter of personal preference. The most commonly
available weapons in this category are the AR-15, AK-47, SKS, M1A, FN-FAL, HK's 91 & 93, and
Ruger's Mini-14. The M1 Garand is part of this group, but you'll not find a great selection of the more
esoteric rifles (such as the Galil, Valmet, Beretta, Sig, etc.) in this country, and spare parts &
magazines could prove difficult to find if you didn't stock enough for a protracted emergency.
There are those who hold the view that a magazine-fed semi-auto is not needed...that we are not likely
to have to fight an infantry engagement. Regardless of who is right, they have some valuable insights
in weaponry choices, and encourage the lever-action .30-30, .44 or .357 Magnum as a worthy
alternative. After your initial reaction, listen to some of their arguments: Rapid fire repeater. Greater
magazine capacity than most sporters. Much better trigger actions than most any battle rifle you'd care
to name. Light weight. Cost is less than 20% of an assault rifle. These are, you have to admit, some
pretty significant considerations. Think about it - you can buy two lever guns (at @ $200 each) and a
thousand rounds of ammo (@ $500, if you shop around) for enough less than a state of the art auto
($1200 & up) to either get ANOTHER thousand rounds, or a handgun, shotgun, or a couple of .22's.
Pretty convincing, especially when you consider it's increased versatility over a .223, better shooting
rifles than the .30 Russian Short (7.62x39), and much lighter weight than any .308 battle rifle
The hunting rifle is, for most of us, a fairly easy choice - if you live in the lower 48 and don't plan to
hunt elk, moose, or grizzly, then anything from the .243 to the .300 Winchester Magnum is suitable,
with something in the middle probably most appropriate. I like the .308, mainly for it's universal
availability and the wide choice of bullets available, both loaded and separately as components. And of
course, for it's ammo interchangeability with a battle rifle.
The hunting rifle is probably a scope-sighted bolt-action job, with limited magazine capacity. It may be
able to stand in for a "sniper" rifle, if it is accurate, your ammo and shooting skill are up to the task,
and you don't have to drag it around on the ground, beat it against building walls, jump out of airplanes
with it, or any of the myriad other tasks that military and law-enforcement professionals routinely
Some of the most common & popular rifles today are the Remington 700 (choice of the U.S. Army &
Marine Corps as the M24 & M40A1), Winchester's M70, and Ruger's M77. Savage sells their M110 &
112, which are super deals, both in price and accuracy, and recently introduced a short action which
should be even stiffer & thus more accurate, while ending up lighter and shorter as well. There are lots
of surplus Mausers on the market, of various model, manufacturer, and condition, as well as new
production ones. As with all the other weapon types we'll discuss, there are many more types for sale
than I could ever talk about in one article, so I'm only listing some of the most popular - don't think
that your weapon, if it works for you, is somehow unsatisfactory. Just think about spare parts and
ammo availability.
If you want to do some varmint hunting (coyote, groundhog, prairie dog, etc.) then you'll want a
heavy-barreled .223 or .22-250, or something similar. If you think you can accurately shoot a deer or
other large animal at long range, something more potent is called for. Starting at 7 millimeter (.28
caliber) magnums and working up through the .33 calibers, there are quite a few new cartridges that
are very capable of taking out whatever you hit at ranges approaching 1000 meters. These cartridges
send 160 to 250 grain bullets through the barrel at speeds up to 3600 FPS! Of course, to be able to hit
anything at great distance requires immense amounts of practice and skill, but there you are.
If you feel that life doesn't begin until 600 meters, there are several .50 caliber rifles on the market that
have been proven in battle in the last dozen years or so. There are several accounts of 2 MILE shots by
Marine Corps snipers in Iraq during Desert Storm, and I personally laid behind a .50 on the Kuwaiti
border in November of '90, looking at an Iraqi who, had we been shooting, would have been toast - at
about 1200 meters. I was a guest of a Navy SEAL team, charged (later) with imitating a Marine
battalion - just the dozen or so SEALs at that one Saudi Customs site. During those pre-shooting days,
they were engaged with underwater reconnaissance - what they were originally developed to do.
The point I want to make about working rifles is that, given some realistic evaluations of what you will
expect them to do, there are countless rifles out there that will work, and most of them will do
everything you want. That is why I recommend sticking with one of the most popular calibers (.270,
.30-06, .308, etc.), and spending the money saved for more ammo to practice with and stockpile.
There's nothing wrong with having a spare working rifle, along with your spare "fighting" pieces, but
have a real good reason if it's not the same model and caliber.
The shotgun, often called the "front door gun" where I come from, is the very picture of versatility.
With slugs and a sighted, rifled barrel (is it still a shotgun if you put a rifled barrel on it?) it is deadly
out to 125 yards or so. Everyone is familiar with its traditional bird-hunting role. With heavy loads of
buckshot it is big medicine during building-clearing ops. With the near-universal availability of
replacement barrels, chokes, stocks, and other options, they can be customized to suit your
requirements, and rapidly and easily changed to do something else. Remington's 870 is the popular
choice in this category, but hard on it's heels are Mossbergs 500 & 590 (choice of the Marine Corps in
recent competition), and Winchester's 1200. These are all pump guns, but some autoloaders that make
the cut are the HK/Benelli M1 Super 90, Beretta's 1201, and Remington's 11-87.
Probably the top shotgun accessories today are white light systems, the best of which is Laser Products
Sure-Fire line. Available for most of the guns listed above, these units replace the factory forend with a
completely self-contained flashlight/switch/forend combo that is extremely bright. It also allows
single-hand control, something not possible before its introduction without dangling wires and taped-
on switches. Additionally, the Side-Saddle spare ammo carrier that attaches to the side of the receiver
and holds six extra rounds right at the balance point - accessible to either hand for tactical reloads
while keeping the weapon on target - is virtually a standard addition to the tactical shotgun, and is well
worth considering.
If you have ever lived or worked in the country, you'll immediately recognize the need for a .22 rifle.
Whether you have rabbits in the garden, gophers in the yard, or starlings in the chicken feed, or simply
want a way to spend an enjoyable afternoon, there is no other firearm that you will use as much or
enjoy as much as a .22. Scopes are optional - I have several .22 rifles, about half of which are scoped.
Marlin's line of bolt and semi-auto rifles have dominated the price wars for years, and are excellent
buys, as is the Ruger 10/22 & bolt action 77/22, which is also available in .22 magnum, .22 Hornet,
and now, .44 Magnum so strong is it's receiver. Ruger recently introduced its 96/22 lever-action rifle,
and Winchester and Marlin also sell lever actions. Remington has a fine line (no surprises there) of bolt
and semi-auto rifles as well. Don't overlook the variety of rifles that take-down for easier carry. These
include Marlin's Papoose, the old Charter Arms AR-7 (now produced by Henry Arms), and Springfield
Armoury's M6 combination .22/.410 shotgun. These are all lightweight rifles that are easily carried and
offer a great improvement in accuracy for most shooters over trail handguns, while retaining the light
weight that encourages their inclusion on your packing list for survival excursions or bug-out bags.
If you have the money, a top-drawer .22 rifle can be an immense joy to own and shoot. These rifles, by
such makers as Kimber, Anshutz, and Walther can shoot rings around most anything going. With
match ammo, these things go into groups that must be measured with a micrometer. The downfall? The
same one I keep bringing up. Call me a miser, but if I can accomplish the mission with a $200 rifle I
don't see why I should pay $1000 for only marginally improved ability. Unless you are a serious
competitor, you probably don't need the difference between a 50 yard, one-inch group, and one that
goes into an eighth-inch. Assuming a squirrels-head target, if you can hold on it, you can hit it with
either, and I'd rather spend the additional $800 on ammo and other things.
Nothing spells relief when things go bump in the night like a heavy handgun. The primary
requirements are absolute reliability, adequate power and the accuracy to hit your target. The details
are as numerous as the choices. The long-time favorite is the M1911A1-style .45. A large, heavy, and
powerful handgun, its exploits are legendary. There are vastly more modern pistols, but very few
approach the success of it's long heritage, and none has the wide base of knowledge, spare parts, or
accessories. The Glock line is one that has been fantastically popular. There are those whom the lack
of an external locking safety bothers, but the plastic Austrian gun's record doesn't reflect a problem. It's
extreme reliability, light weight and accuracy have made converts of countless thousands of happy
souls. Available in all the modern, effective calibers, in magazine capacities from 9 to 33 rounds, there
is probably a Glock that is right for you. The U.S. Military has purchased the Beretta M92 and the
Sig/Sauer P228 for our standard military pistols as the M9 and M11, respectively, and many Federal
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