Salt And Sea Dogs

Salt And Sea Dogs, Dungeons and Dragons

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Travis Stout
Additional Contributor:
Mark Plemmons
Brian Jelke, David S. Kenzer, Noah Kolman,
Mark Plemmons
Art Director:
Bob Burke
Art Coordinator:
Mark Plemmons
Cover Illustration:
Keith DeCesare
Interior Illustrations:
Caleb Cleveland,
Storn Cook, Tom Galambos, Tom Kalichack,
Darrell Langley, Jeremy Mohler, Eric Olsen,
Wayne Reynolds, Arne Swekel
Project Manager:
Brian Jelke
Production Manager:
Steve Johansson
Behind the Scenes:
Jeff Abar, Jennifer Kenzer
Special Thanks to:
Rob Lee, Rich Redman,
Lezlie Samuel, Ed Stark
Matthew Anderson, Michael Bilter,
Jim Bruni, Anne Canavan, Joe Charles, Doug Click,
Patrick Jean Cummings, Gigi Epps, Andrew Ferguson,
Sarah Ferguson, Charles Finnell, Richard Forbes,
Donovan Grimwood, Wong Chong Hong,
Patrick Hulley, Edward Janne, Ron Kordyban,
Steven Lambert, Robert Landry, Mark Lane,
Rob Lee, John Massare, Jeff McAulay, Ben Moxley,
Mike Patterson, David Perry, Mark Prater, Malik Riley,
David Sink Jr., Brad Todd, Joe Wallace, Luek Wetterlind,
John Williams, Steven Wilson, Derek Wong,
John Wright
Gallant buccaneer, reluctant pirate or unrepentant scalawag-
which will you be?
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With respect to trademarks:
Kingdoms of Kalamar and the Kingdoms of Kalamar logo are registered trademarks of Kenzer and Company. Salt and Sea Dogs:The Pirates of Tellene
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The Pirates of Tellene
The KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting describes the world of
Tellene, a vibrant world alive with rich characters, imminent
danger, complex intrigue and exciting adventure, all awaiting
your shaping hand. This robust world consists of many detailed
lands and cultures, both human and humanoid, that are rife
with adventure possibilities. On Tellene, fantastic creatures
roam the wilderness, evil clerics worship evil deities hell-bent
on destruction and the dead rise again to spread terror
throughout the world. Complex political alliances mix with
marauding bands of humanoids and medieval technology and
culture come face to face with magic and the fantastic. Tellene
combines the best of a realistic medieval world with all the
elements of fantasy you have come to enjoy. While nearly any
campaign setting suffices for a single adventure, your characters
will find the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting to be an engaging
game world to explore long after the novelty of the "tourist
bazaars" has worn thin.
The underlying strength of the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting
comes from its geo-historical basis. The maps feel right because
they are right, at least from a standpoint of verisimilitude. The
continents, lakes, rivers, forests and other geographical features
all follow examples from the real world. This attention to detail
clearly shows a setting built from the ground up, from the direc-
tion of the prevailing winds to the plate tectonics. No glaciers
lie in the middle of warm lakes nor huge jungles in temperate
latitudes. The KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting becomes the invis-
ible backdrop for the real action: you.
The player character becomes the real hero of any D&D
game. You rescue the princess and you recover the stolen
Whatzit for Lord So-and-So. You shape the campaign world
through your actions, not the other way around. Tellene, like
few other campaign settings before it, offers you the opportu-
nity to be a world-shaper. Life in Tellene grows from ordinary
men and women with extraordinary courage and resolve. This
setting gives you the information you need to allow your players
to become one of those people. But fear not, for all the detail
and background history that this setting provides add depth to
your adventures without confining them. The KINGDOMS OF
KALAMAR setting allows you to be the author of your own destiny
by providing the scenery but not the story.
Of course, player characters cannot be everywhere at once.
The world continues moving even when they spend weeks
exploring long forgotten ruins or dark forests somewhere. Evil
cults spread their influence throughout a small town. A village
succumbs to a mysterious disease. A band of humanoids halts
merchant routes between two cities. Villains even kidnap
princesses when heroes are not around to do anything about it.
What happens then? Well, sometimes the princess escapes, but
more often the Vicelord has his way with her. For the NPCs of
Tellene are not inept, else they would not be worthy (or
successful) villains. A world full of morons is no place to live.
The good, the bad and even the so-so must transpire in the
campaign in order to make the party's heroic deeds exceptional.
After all, if every person on the block is a superhero, nobody
stands out.
The KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting is designed to enhance
your D&D experience by providing a realistic backdrop for your
character. Every type of person you could imagine lives
somewhere on Tellene. In fact, that's one of the reasons the
KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting is such an enjoyable world to play
in: it is tremendously versatile. No matter what type of
character you choose to play, you should feel confident that he
or she will have an important place in the world of Tellene.
The KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting also provides a realistic,
dynamic world for your character. Every sort of adventure can
be found on the continent of Tellene. Whether you dream of
finding great riches in the bellies of mountains or ridding the
desert of undead abominations, the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR
setting provides the where and the how, all the while
maintaining a commitment to realism that lets you experience
your character's adventures in the most satisfying ways.
In the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting, your character has a
chance to stand out. In fact, you have a chance to be the greatest
character in the campaign world. But greatness is different for
every individual. While you may dream of conquering the
continent and bringing peace and prosperity to its people,
others may wish for the ultimate in scholarly or magical
achievement. What sets the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR setting apart
is its ability to give you the opportunity to do all this and more
without sacrificing continuity or common sense. Here you are
presented with the opportunity to become great. Realizing that
opportunity, however, requires skill, effort and a little bit of
Salt and Sea Dogs
This campaign resource assumes that you own the three core
rulebooks of the Dungeons & Dragons game: the Player's
Handbook (PHB), the DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE (DMG) and
the Monster Manual (MM). This product uses updated material
from the v.3.5 revision of the D&D rules. As this book is
compatible with the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR fantasy campaign
setting, it is also useful to have the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR
campaign setting sourcebook.
This book assumes that you will be using the rules presented
herein to run a piratical game on the high seas. As such, you will
see numerous references to ships, oceans, and similar marine
terms. Unless specifically stated otherwise, these terms are not
meant to be exclusive. "Ship" and similar terms can be taken to
imply any sort of water-borne vehicle (from an Elos Desert junk
to a Fhokki longship), and "sea," "bay," and so on can just as
easily refer to a large lake or major river.
This book examines pirates and piracy in depth. It presents
new rules, feats, and equipment geared toward a seafaring, pirat-
ical campaign, as well as discussions of life on a pirate ship and
other aspects of a pirate's life.
Though much of the information in this book can be used in
any Dungeons
Dragons game, it is assumed that the reader
will be playing in the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR campaign setting.
DMs who are not using the KINGDOMS OF KALAMAR campaign
setting can either disregard setting-specific information or
adapt it to fit into their own worlds.
Above all, this book is about presenting options, not restric-
tions. Players and DMs should decide which elements of this
book they like and which they do not, and use only those that
will enhance their games. Naturally, the DM is the final arbiter
of what will be incorporated into his or her game. Players
should consult their DM before using any of the material in this
book for their player characters (PCs).
Pirates. Privateers. Buccaneers. These seafaring predators
terrorized the oceans ever since man first realized that the sea
was the ultimate trade route. The sight of the signature black
flag emblazoned with a skull and crossbones strikes terror into
the heart of more than a few merchant captains, and it is a rare
sailor indeed that does not fear being forced to walk the plank.
The waterways of Tellene are no exception. Pirates, especially in
Reanaaria Bay and the Straits of Svimohzia, are a constant
menace to ships of all nations.
Within this book is everything you need to run or play in a
piratical campaign. Whether you prefer cruel, bloodthirsty
pirates, suave and debonair buccaneers, or even navy officers
struggling to end the pirate threat, you will find ample informa-
tion herein.
Chapter One
discusses the suitability of the various core
races and classes as pirates and gives several sample
starting packages.
Chapter Two
provides prestige classes appropriate for a
pirate campaign.
Chapter Three
provides new skills, feats, and equipment.
Chapter Four
discusses spells, both existing ones and new
ones, for use in a nautical campaign.
Chapter Five
delves into information on role-playing a
pirate from defining motivations to use of language to
duties and attracting a crew.
Chapter Six
provides details on ships.
Chapter Seven
presents new rules that play important roles
in pirate campaigns. With details on naval combat,
running a pirate ship day-to-day and more, this chapter
covers the rules a pirate game needs.
Chapter Eight
includes detailed information on weather
hazards, generation of random weather occurrences and
sample storms for the DM to use during play.
Chapter Nine
discusses the politics, history, and current
leaders and important figures of the pirates of Reanaaria
Bay. This chapter also includes descriptions of various
sites controlled by the Reanaarian pirates.
Chapter Ten
details the pirates of the Straits of Svimohzia,
also known as the Windy Straits. History, organization,
and major characters are discussed, and several locations
within the domain of these pirates are described for DMs
wishing to run adventures in the region.
Chapter Eleven
provides adventure ideas for a Dungeon
Master to use in running a pirate campaign.
While primarily a guide for Dungeon Masters (DMs), this
book does include much information that players will find
useful as well. Generally, this information is at the front of
the book, and includes how to determine a pirate character's
class and race, information on skills, feats and equipment, and
what a pirate's life is like.
Details on ships and naval combat, the history of pirates
on Tellene, and where pirates can be found now, is informa-
tion often usable by both players and DMs and is located in
the middle of the book. Adventure and campaign ideas and
magic items are located further towards the rear of the
book, and should be read by DM eyes only (to avoid ruining
the surprise).
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