Salem The Great Light channeled ...

Salem The Great Light channeled Through Diandra - Atlantis, ABSTRACTS

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//-->Salem The Great Light channeled Through DiandraTHIS IS SALEM and as always we come to you with the greatest of respect for humanity. We aregoing to speak of a time you know as Atlantis, a time known as Lemuria and a time known asAncient Egypt. Know that all that is said is being said in a fable form that you can understandbecause it is so difficult for you to move into concepts that do not have time and space nor threedimensional form as you know these to be today. As we speak to you of these ancient times,know time and space does not truly exist. In all that we say to you, please think of Atlantis as astate of consciousness. That's what all of your existence truly is. It is merely points ofconsciousness that you are choosing to experience.When we speak to you of Atlantis, we will speak to you, first of all of the physical formand then we will speak to you of how Atlantis was governed. We also desire to speak toyou of the spiritual, the technological and the scientific nature of Atlantis. All of thesehave rudiments in your society today. Perhaps you will be able to see this connection aswe move through some of your forgotten memories of what seem to you as ancientexperiences on this planet.THE FIRST ATLANTEANSAtlantis began with an extremely small population. Atlantis was created by populationfrom beings that came to you planet to help your planet. They came to reawakenhumanities spirituality. They came to teach of the beauty of life. They came to helphumanity understand that life was a beautiful experience that existed not within theframework that they thought it did but outside of time and space. They taught that lifecould exist in a framework of merely experiencing the expression that they were.Humanity was struggling with their own existence. There were many warlike communitiesthat battled each other. There was no guidance or leadership. Whoever was thestrongest ruled. However there were many cries that went out for help for the planet andif there was a Divine Being, could and would that Being help them?The answer to their cries for help came from beings who arrived and set up a communityto teach humanity their own beauty and power and love. Atlantis started out as a verysmall community being populated by other beings throughout the galaxy.When the community was set in place, then the beings from the community went out intothe villages to tell the people that there was a community they could come to if theychose. They told humanity that in this community they could find the answers for whichthey searched. They told them there was plenty of food and housing in Atlantis. They toldthem they had constructed these beautiful, beautiful buildings in Atlantis called temples.Some of the people chose to migrate into Atlantis. Once they entered into Atlantis theyseldom left to go back home. In the beginning it was a very small trickling that came tothis newly constructed place called Atlantis. This continued for many thousands of yearsin the new wondrous community called Atlantis. As Atlantis grew, the human populationbegan to reawaken to all that they were. Humanity had descended to a very low standardof understanding and intellect. They were in awe as they entered into this newcommunity. They felt that this was a God-like place and indeed for them it was. A Gardenof Eden, if you would.As humanity themselves began to remember their own greatness, those that had come tohelp humanity began to retract. They would visit to see how humanity was doing but nolonger was an intricate part of humanity. Your distant memory of Atlantis is mostly of thetime humanity was the populace of Atlantis. You have nearly forgotten the wonderfulbeings that came here and set the structure to help you regain the consciousness thatyou had lost.CRYSTAL PLATEAUSWhat are the physical concepts of Atlantis? Atlantis represents the greatest of beauty.Atlantis represents not only beauty to behold with your eyes, but beauty radiating throughall the Atlantean consciousness. You can relate this to what you feel in the beauty ofcrystals. Crystals do have an energy that is innate within their life form and, indeed, is anexpression of consciousness. You think of Atlantis as having this wonderful crystallineenergy or conductive power, as it were, and innate beauty.Eons ago in a time known as Atlantis, and please follow what we say as though you werelistening to a long forgotten story. In the time of Atlantis, there were three very large hills.Indeed they were very large plateaus, as it were. These plateaus were solid crystalplateaus. Stairs were carved out in the plateaus and on the top of each plateau there wasa beautiful temple. Each temple was different. One temple was square in its structure andhad large columns standing from the floor to the roof. The top of the temple was a flatroof and on the flat roof was a great beacon of a very large crystalline energy that sentforth and received messages throughout the galaxy. This was known as the Temple ofCommunication. Whatever communication that was sent forth throughout your galaxy,was sent and received through this crystalline transmitter. The messages were translatedand transmitted. There was another plateau with stairs carved out that was slightly higherthen the one of the Temple of Communication and that was the Temple of Healing. TheTemple of Healing was inclusive of all healing. It was inclusive of what you consider to beyour emotional, your mental, your spiritual or your physical healing. This was the largestof all the temples. This temple had eight sides. On each side was a very defined sector ofhealing. Around each sector was a beautiful, deep blue pool of water. The water itselfwas energized with healing powers. You carry that concept forward into your culturetoday as certain places of water have become well known to your population as havingmiraculous healing powers.Around each pool of water at the Temple of Healing was the healing properties withwhich humanity would connect, but not only humanity. You were known throughout youruniverse for this Healing Temple and many would come for healing. Many other culturesand beings that were not Earth originated or Earth bound would come to experience thisgreat Temple of Healing. The Healing Temple of Atlantis was a Mecca of interaction andhealing. In the center of the Healing Temple was a huge, huge crystal chamber. If onejust wanted balancing, to become more energized, or if you just desired to have anexperience that would place you in the highest of spiritual possibilities for your soul youentered this beautiful crystal chamber. This was the Healing Temple of Atlantis.There was also the Temple of Philosophy that sat on the third crystal plateau. Philosophywas much discussed. There were many, many discussions of life, life forms, what life wasabout, and the creative process. Atlanteans were extremely intelligent. They were verymental beings and they dearly loved having discussion. Many of those souls that wereespecially deeply imbedded in the philosophical area of Atlantis later incarnated duringthe high philosophical time of your Greek culture.THE TRIUNE OF THREEAtlanteans were highly developed intellectually. They searched deeply into thephilosophies of life; not necessarily the spiritual or what you consider religious, but ratherthey were very philosophical. This philosophical group ruled Atlantis for thousands uponthousands of years. Atlantis was always ruled by a Triune. A Triune of Three, eachhaving what you might think of today as their own cabinets, assistants or associates. TheTriune of Three was always composed amazingly enough from just one group of people.It did not consist of a variety, such as a healer, a communicator, and a scientist. As longas it was the Philosophical Triune that ruled Atlantis, it was a time of great peace. It wasa time when all things were working in harmony. That was the basic energy that was thepervasive experience of life in Atlantis and it prevailed for hundreds of thousands ofyears.SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYAcross the river from these three beautiful crystal plateaus and the three temples thatstood upon the plateaus was the technological and scientific community. That particularcommunity's structures were not so beautiful. They were not constructed of crystal. Theirappearance gave a more sterile looking environment being made of a pale yellow stuccolike material. They were square and rectangular very large one-story buildings. TheTemples sat on the left side of the great river and the technical and scientific communityon the right side. On this side of the river you found those that dedicated themselves todeveloping new technologies and how could they expand their present technologies.They were consumed by technology, and this is what led to Atlantis's downfall.This is not unlike a potential problem you face today, my friends. Technology is awonderful thing if technology is developed within its proper parameters as the properinstrument of humanities betterment. But when technology begins to become the forcethat drives society, there is a dehumanizing of your society and you begin to lose the veryfiber that makes life on this planet so special and unique.THE VERY HIGH MASTERIn the middle of this river sat the most glorious of all structures in Atlantis. Thatmagnificent structure was the one in which the Very High Master resided. While theTriune governed Atlantis, the Master was the one that had the communicative abilitybetween all the galactic connections that aligned with your planet at that time. This beingknown as the Master was a God-like figure to the Atlanteans. This is quite like yourreligions today that feel they must have a God-like being that is the intermediary betweenyou and the Creator. So it was with Atlantis.The Master was never seen. The populace never saw the Master. The Master wouldreside in the Temple at times, and would be absent at times. Whatever communicationthe Master sent forth, went out in a thought decree from the Master primarily picked up bythe philosophers of the time because they were the ones most in tune. But what was trulyamazing was that whatever thoughts were sent forth by the Master seemed to be sopervasive that they influenced the populace without they even realizing.Today your mass consciousness has the same powerful influence upon all life upon yourplanet. This began primarily from one Intergalactic Being known as the Master. ThisBeing may be what you have come down through history to be thought of as God. Somany of humanity feel the need to think of God as a persona or figure and it may well befrom the memory of the Master. And that's all the words that we would give this Beingbecause it's far beyond us to know of all that this particular high energy was capable ofbeing.MENTAL IS EMPHASIZED IN ATLANTISHow did the people reside in Atlantis and what did they do? The Atlanteans were peoplewho were very mental. Their mental capacity was the thing that gave them suchimportance. They believed themselves to be spiritual but their spirituality always had tobe analyzed. It had to be understood. It had to have some kind of a foundation or a basisthat made sense to them. And if it did not you would find they would go on a deep searchfor the understanding to life.As the scientific and technology community began to become more prominent in Atlantis,less and less the spiritual nature or the questioning of life took place. Life became moreand more mental and focused on what could be created. The creations were quitedifferent from today. For instance the artwork was composed of pure light in Atlantis.Atlanteans didn't paint pictures on canvas. Art was a light display. The light display wouldchange with the thoughts of the person looking at it. Thoughts were an understoodmeans of communication. Atlanteans were able to communicate with thoughts when theirverbal language did not serve them. They loved sound and had a highly sophisticatedand structured language they enjoyed and saw as a sign of their superior mental creativeability.TECHNOLOGY AND CRYSTALSTechnology within itself often came from the crystals. How could the crystals be used toevolve into more uses for humanity? How could they be used to send out signals into agreater depth of the universe? How could they be used in order to give more power toinventions? So much of the Atlantean technology was developed by the use of crystallineenergy and power. You are beginning to rediscover that technology today.The scientific community of Atlantis became truly driven by their superior abilities andtheir superior access to information. The scientist was highly supported by energies frommany other worlds and information was freely given to the scientific communities thatthey might learn how to develop and to expand in whatever way they chose to do.However, it was truly the scientific community that became the downfall of Atlantis morethan any other. And we'll return to that in a moment.HOW DID THE TRIUNE GOVERN?Now that we've set the stage for what was the foundation of Atlantis, how did the Triuneof Three govern the people? What was the government of Atlantis? There was a GoldenAge of Atlantis. That Golden Age lasted a very long time, as you perceive time to betoday. During the Golden Age of Atlantis it wasn't a matter of laws being made andhanded down to the populace but it was simply a matter of order, of declaration. TheTriune defined what would take place in this particular season, or what would be theorder of events, and what were the priorities of the people. The government was not somuch a rule-orientated body to rule the populace but it was more of an instrument oforder to what was taking place in the communities. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
