Summertime - partytura, Nuty na orkiestrę dętą, Summertime (partytura - głosy)
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//-->Guy BergeronArranger, Composer, Director, Interpreter, PublisherCanada, QuébecAbout the artistGuy Bergeron was born the 13th of October 1964 in Loretteville, Province of Quebec, Canada. Hegraduated in music: in 1990, 3rd cycle in composition at the Conservatoire de musique of Quebec; in 1986,collegial grade (DEC) in pop music, Cegep of Drummondville, and in 1984, collegial grade (DEC) in music,Cegep of Ste-Foy, with guitar as first instrument. He was also a student in jazz interpretation from 1992 until1994 at the University of Montreal (electric guitar) and he studied computer-assisted music at theMusitechnic School in Montreal. He plays the guitar (classical, electric, acoustic, synthesizer), the banjo andthe bass. He's been earning his living with music for more than 15 years, as a professional musician, acomposer (jazz, classical music), an arranger, a teacher and also as a studio engineer as he manages hisown studio. As a jazzman, Guy Bergeron has been influenced by Pat Metheny, Mike Stern, John Scofield.His various classical compositions know also a great success on the Net.Personal web:About the pieceTitle:Composer:Arranger:Licence:Instrumentation:Style:SummertimeGershwin, GeorgeBergeron, GuyCopyright © Guy BergeronOrchestraClassicalGuy Bergeron onfree-scores.comssssssDonate now to musician Guy BergeronDownload other works by this artistListen to his piecesContact the artistWrite feedback commentsShare your mp3 recording of this pieceFirst added the : 2008-06-01Last update : 2008-06-01 13:35:15Summertime(1935)Flutes&c&cq 80»©George Gershwin (1898-1937)arr.: Guy Bergeron∑∑∑∑Ófœœœ∑œ œj ‰ ŒÓ∑∑ÓSax AltoSax Ténorbœ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ wœ?c‰FP?c&c∑∑∑∑œœœP œ #œ #œ #œ #œ œ œ #˙ #˙pwwwp∑∑∑w∑∑∑w∑∑∑∑∑∑w∑∑∑fœ œ#˙ #˙w∑∑∑wŒSax Bariton∑∑∑harmonTrompetteTrombone? c bœ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ÓœFEuphonium? c bœ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ ‰ œ œ wœœPF&c∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ppiano?ctcPggg # œ#œŒg∑∑#œgg # œŒggg # œg# œ∑∑#œggg # œŒcontrebasseguytarebergeron@videotron.casummertime28fl&w#˙∑˙∑∑˙π∑∑E7/BŒ#˙œ3œ œJ#˙∑3œJ œ˙˙∑˙˙œ˙Œœ#œ∑œ#œs.a.& #˙π?s.t.s.b.? ˙8tpt&??π˙∑∑˙#˙#˙∑∑#˙∑∑œœtbneuph˙˙∑∑˙˙∑∑˙˙∑∑œœ8&?pno8ctbt ˙pAmin6˙Amin6˙E7/B˙Amin6˙E7/B˙Amin6˙E7/BœAmin6œguytarebergeron@videotron.casummertime123flœ œ.& J& NœP?3˙œ œ #œ œ∑˙∑œ bœ nœ œ33Œœ bœ nœ ˙˙πœ œj œ œj œ33w∑˙∑˙>‰ œœJs.a.Óœœ∑ÓÓ‰œ.œ#œ#œ‰˙s.t.#œ nœœ œ bœ œ œ#˙∑∑˙Ó∑˙s.b.? ˙12tpt&? œP? œœPœ3FFœ b œ œ œj b œ .. >œF∑>.œ‰>.œtbnœ ˙JœJ ˙œÓ#˙ÓÓœE‰euph12&?Pœ bœ nœ œ3œ3∑∑pnoP˙œ œœœ œ JJ33˙>.‰ œF∑12ctbt˙DminDmin7/Aw#˙E/G#B7#9()‰ .œ.œ>F>‰ b # œ ...œœF. œ# œ n œ œ b >.œJBb7guytarebergeron@videotron.casummertime416flœ œ& J& #˙π?œ ˙J#˙∑˙∑∑Œ#˙œœ œ œ J œJ33˙˙∑˙˙˙˙∑˙harmon33Œ#˙œs.a.#˙∑s.t.s.b.? ˙16tpt&??π˙∑∑˙#˙#˙∑∑˙jœ œ #œ #œ œ∑˙∑∑œœF˙˙tbneuph˙π∑∑Amin6˙˙∑∑˙˙∑∑16&?pno16ctbt ˙pE7/B˙Amin6˙E7/B˙Amin6˙E7/B˙Amin˙D7˙
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