Satanic Cult Awareness

Satanic Cult Awareness, Angielski

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//-->If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at•SATANICCULTAWARENESSPRESENTED BY:GAYLAND W. HURST, Ph.D.ANDROBERT L. MARSH(IAN 27 1993ACQUISITIONSNCJRS•••ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND CREDITSThis training manual is the result of compiling informationfrom several years of occult investigations includingvolumes of written document,ations from several investigatorsacross the nation.We take this opportunity to express our gratitude, and giverecognition to the following persons and organizations forthe information and documentation they provided.•••••••Dale Griffis, Ph.D. - Tiffin, Ohio P. D.Detective Sandi Gallant Daly - San Francisco P. D.Lt. Larry Hones - Boise, Idaho P. D.Sgt.J.Hill - San Diego P. D.Kurt Jackson - Beaumont, California P. D.Gary Bradford and Jim Craig - u.S. DefenseInvestigative Service140554U.S. Department of JusticeNational Institute of JusticeThis document has been reprod.ucedexactl~as received from theperson or organization origInatingII.Points of view oroplnl~nsstated inthis document are those of the authors and do not~ecessanlYr.epresentthe official pOSition or policies of the National Institute of Justice.Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material has beengranted byGay] andHurstJ?oJx=rt Marshto the National Criminal Justice Reference ServIce (NCJRS).•Further rep.-oductlon outside of the NCJRS system requires permissionof the copyright owner•THB OCCULT - A NEW POLICE PROBLEMThe many problems involved with the occulte~plosionis becominga many faceted puzzle confronting Law Enforcement today. Inaddition, it is most difficult to understand for involved insecret practices of satanic worship are deeper unlimited drugsand narcotics, deviant sexual behavior that go with it.Unfortunately, the police investigator attempts to analyze thesetype crimes with his normal conception of criminal investigation.In the cases of satanic practices involving deviant sexualbehavior, the investigator forgets the offense was committed byan abnormal person influenced by many strange and complexmotivations and, therefore, Law Enforcement's analysis of thisand the criminal must be guided by the principles of abnormalsexology.It is imperative these cases be solved. They are vicious,revolting and create fear in any community. Men are apprehensivefor the safety of their wives, mothers, and daughters; women fortheir children and themselves. These situations make forsensational newspaper headlines, as in the infamous cases ofHenry Lee Lucas and ottis Elwood Toole, who claim to have slainapproximately 360 people during their travels around the countrybetween 1975 and 1983. Henry Lucas stated in an April 22, 1984Ft. Worth Texas star Telegram News article, "there are hundredsmore like him on the road, all members of the cult that worshipsdeath and devil." "I belong to a cult," Lucas stated, "it was adevil's organization. For initiation, you would have to go outand kill a person." As the reports unfolded from the TexasRangers files, the disclosed some of the most sadistic, brutaland bizarre accounts of. deviant sexual murders in modern history.Abnormal sex offenses involving cult worshippers are not alwaysrecognized. The accepted elements of normal sex offenses may noteven be. remotely present. The basic ingredients may be fire,slashing, beating and stabbing, all of which are listed as otherpolice offenses. It is only through proper training that thepolice officer can hope to gain the ability to understand andrecognize which are regular sex offenses and those that belong tocult behaviors.In either. instances, occult sex crimes are difficult to prove.In many instances the victim is dead or confused through fearand/or shock. Law Enforcement must be able to conduct athoroughqcomprehensive investigation with special emphasis onsearch of the crime scene, the location of evidence, togetherwith the preparation and presentation of clues.•••1•criminal statistics prove the sad fact that sexual crimes of allclassifications are increasing in our modern civilization. Thisis particularly noticeable in sex offenses against children.All sex crimes are the result of degeneracy in some form oranother. All types of sex offenders are potential threats to thehappy and peaceful existence of children. Many sex offenderscommit their crimes exclusively upon children and babies oftender age. Science states that it is a sad fact of human life""hen certain individuals reach a stage of sexual inability, theyturn to their own sex or to children for sexual gratification.W.hen a person or a child is subjected to the indignities of thea\ots of degenerates, he or she will never forget the terribleo:t'deal they have suffered. In all cases of this type, the personor~hildis harmed physically; and in many cases, the victim'smind is affected. Attacks of degenerates upon children oftenresult in that child becoming a degenerate.This is a Law Enforcement problem; therefore, all Law EnforcementOfficers should be familiar with the different types ofdegeneracy~)othey may be able,toassociate the type of criminalwith the of1!ense committed and to properly charge and prosecutethe criminal in an intelligent manner.••with this in mind, I have put together several pages of occultmaterial including such areas as The Witches Runes, The Sabbats,Hieroglyphic Alphabet, and witch Glyphs.This information may serve as a resource file for any LawEnforcement department, investigating such crimes suspected ofhaving cult/satanic influence. In many instances, "strange" and"unusual" s'jIl\bols are left at the crime scene, or transmittedthrough various writings which the investigator does not know orunderstand, and so often these symbols aredisreg~rded,and ordiscount~das non-essential and inmaterial to the case at hand.These cult symbols, runes, and hieroglyphics will assist theserious investigator to gain ability and to correctly understandand recognize this new and serious crime explosion.In the event your Law Enforcement agency would like to haveadditional information, or would like for me to conduct atraining seminar on the occult subject, please contact me directby writing or calling:Gayland Hurst, Sc.D., Ph.D.#8 WoodwindLittle Rock, AR72204(501) 223-2241(home)(501) 682-644'(office)•2DESTRUCTIVE CULT DEFINEDEXACTLY BOW XS A DESTROCTIVE RELIGIOUS CULT (DRC) DEFINED?A ORC is any group which uses psychological manipulation (1) to impair,destroy or make captive an individual's freedom of thought or reasoningabilities. This is done with the hidden purpose of promoting the wealth, •power or vanity of~harismaticcult leaders. The recruitment (2) practiceis usually deceptive and the victim enters the cult without informedconsent. CUlt leaders demand blind faith in their teachings, restrict thefreedom of their followers and direct them to engage in criminal activity(3) •1.CULT TECHNIQUES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATIONISOLl\TIONloss of reality induced by physical separation from society andrational reverences.HYPNOSISstate of high suggestibility inducedbyhypnosis, often thinlydisguised as meditation.PEER GROUP PRESSUREsuppression of doubt and resistance to new ideas achieved byexploiting the natural need to belong.LOVE BOMBINGsense of family and belonging contrived through hugging, kissing,touching and flattery.REMOVAL OF PRIVACYloss of ability to evaluate, logically achieved by preventing private.contemplation.SLEEP DEPRIVATION AND FATIGUEdisorientation and vulnerability created by prolonged mental andphysical activity and withholding adequate rest and sleep.GAMESneed for direction when playing games with obscure rules increasesdependence on the group.META COMMUNICATIONsubliminal messages implanted by stressing certain key words orphrases in long confusing lectures.NO QUESTIONSautomatic acceptance of beliefs accomplished by discouragingquestions.CONFUSING DOCTRINEcomplex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine, encourage rejectionof logic and blind acceptance.REJECTION OF OLD VALUESacceptance of new life style acceleratedbyconstantly denouncingformer values and beliefs.•3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
